Turkish Purge: Over 6,000 Arrested as European Commissoner Notes It was Obviously Planned Beforehand

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 18, 2016


This fail-coup was an outrageously glorious gift from Allah.

Six-thousand and counting have been arrested, throughout the country’s government, with thousands more removed from their positions.

This is now officially a Bolshevik-tier purge.


Turkey suspended thousands of police officers on Monday, widening a purge of the armed forces and judiciary after a failed military coup, and raising concern among European allies that it was abandoning the rule of law.

A senior security official told Reuters 8,000 police officers, including in the capital Ankara and the biggest city Istanbul, had been removed from their posts on suspicion of links to Friday’s coup bid by a faction in the army.

Thirty regional governors and more than 50 high-ranking civil servants have also been dismissed, CNN Turk said.

Thousands of members of the armed forces, from foot soldiers to commanders, were rounded up on Sunday, some shown in photographs stripped to their underpants and handcuffed on the floors of police buses and a sports hall. Several thousand prosecutors and judges have also been removed.

President Tayyip Erdogan on Sunday told crowds of supporters, called to the streets by the government and by mosques across the country, that parliament must consider their demands to apply the death penalty for the plotters.

“We cannot ignore this demand,” he told a chanting crowd outside his house in Istanbul late on Sunday. “In democracies, whatever the people say has to happen.”

EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini warned the Turkish government on Monday against taking steps that would damage the constitutional order.

“We were the first… during that tragic night to say that the legitimate institutions needed to be protected,” she told reporters on arrival at an EU foreign ministers meeting, which was also to be attended by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry.

“We are the ones saying today rule of law has to be protected in the country,” she said in Brussels. “There is no excuse for any steps that take the country away from that.”

Except a huge, fake coup.

That is an excuse for that.

Obviously it is an excuse for that, because he’s excusing it.

854531Surrendered Turkish soldiers who were involved in the coup are beaten by a civilian on Bosphorus bridge in Istanbul, Turkey, July 16, 2016. REUTERS/Stringer EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NO RESALES. NO ARCHIVES. TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY71415700100587640360no CnlwIieXgAAUYdv.jpg:small 3516161772016_2036.jpg 160718110012-turkey-detainees-number-2-exlarge-169

And he knows you cowards don’t have the balls to do anything to him but talk.

Your governments are run by women, for cryin out loud. It’s like a cartoon.

But here’s the best part:

The swift rounding up of judges and others indicated the government had prepared a list beforehand, the EU commissioner dealing with Turkey’s membership bid, Johannes Hahn, said.

“I’m very concerned. It is exactly what we feared,” he said in Brussels.

A Turkish official acknowledged that Gulen’s followers in the armed forces had been under investigation for some time, but denied that an arrest list had been prepared in advance.

“In our assessment, this group acted out of a sense of emergency when they realized that they were under investigation. There was a list of people who were suspected of conspiring to stage a coup,” the official said.

“There was no arrest list. There was a list of people suspected of planning a coup.”


So they had the list ready… whether you want to call it an arrest list or a list of people suspected of planning a coup, it is a list of people who are now being arrested.

Then all of the sudden, like a miracle, a nonsense coup happens, which no one can explain, which there is no evidence is linked to this Gulen character, and which effectively makes Erdogan dictator for life, having finally bypassed the restrictions put on the country’s leadership by Attaturk following WWI.

It’s a hoax.

By the way – this is fun.

Yesterday was the biggest day in the site’s history, with half a million unique visitors.


All the extra hits were going to my article, “Was the Turkish Coup an Erdogan Hoax?

And a majority of those 300,000-odd extra visitors were from Turkey.

That’s like, the country’s entire English-speaking population.

So, I’m presumably now a target for assassination by the Turkish government.

That sucks.
