Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 31, 2015

A Twitter Jewess called Julia Wolfe (@juliawolfe) has announced that she desires to help colored filth defend their fragile emotional stability from mean White people.

What we see here is the ongoing condescension of liberals toward these stupid monkeys – obviously, by suggesting that they need help from White people (or Jews) defending their emotions from people who would hurt their feelings with words through the internet, you are implying that they are little more than retarded children.
Again, Marxism is the diametric opposite of a meritocracy, in that it is obsessed with propping up the weakest members of society, while burying the greatest.
Here is an image I found posted on this horrible Jew bitch’s page (she is apparently herself a dyke):

This clear exploitation of the mentally infirm and senile for pushing a political agenda pretty well sums up where these filthy rats are coming from.