Steve Goode
White Genocide Project
April 20, 2015

British researchers from Leeds University have taken the 2011 census data and tried to “fast-forward” it to 2051, to see what kind of country the children of the future may be living in.
If non-White immigration and high birth rates keep at current levels, it is predicted that the non-White population may triple to make them 1 out of every 4 people in Britain.
Indians, Pakistanis, and Africans are currently the most numerous of non-White groups in Britain, and are predicted to increase even more in the future.
Lead researcher, Professor Philip Rees, said: “The ethnic makeup of UK’s population is evolving significantly.”
“Groups outside the White British majority are increasing in size and share, not just in the areas of initial migration, but throughout the country and our projections suggest that this trend is set to continue through to 2051.”
“At a regional level, ethnic minorities will shift out of deprived inner city areas to more affluent areas, which echoes the way white groups have migrated in the past.”
“In particular black and Asian populations in the least deprived local authorities will increase significantly.”
White Genocide supporters hope this really does happen; this IS the goal of “diversity” after all. They believe that to end what they see as “racism”, no area can be “too White”.
To them, even our existence is a problem. Why would the deliberately target us, tell us we must accept non-White immigration, and must welcome our children living as a minority?
This “diversity” of theirs is a scam! It’s just a codeword for White Genocide.