Twin Falls 5-Year-Old Gang-Raped by Hajis is Not Doing Well

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 7, 2016


This is what it’s come to – covering up the rape of little girls in order to stop racism against the perpetrators.

Feminists are supporting this agenda.


Establishment politicians and media outlets are trying to dismiss the Twin Falls refugee rape case, but Breitbart can reveal more details from our interview with the parents of the five-year-old girl who was attacked by three refugee boys on June 2.

Local officials in Twin Falls have still not provided services to the victim, but have instead issued press statements that downplayed the attack. The statements by local leaders have led to a spate of dismissive articles in establishment sites, including The Washington Post, Slate and Jezebel, which portray the local activists who support the victim as racist rumor-mongers.

But the facts are getting out. For example, yesterday’s Breitbart exclusive with the victim’s father which revealed that he had seen 30 seconds of the video of the assault was discussed on Sean Hannity’s radio program Friday afternoon.

As this new interview segment with the victim’s mother and father shows, the assault has also had devastating consequences for both the victim and her family.

The five-year-old daughter was allegedly orally and anally raped by a seven and 10-year-old boy, according to police allegations, while a boy believed to be 14 years old videotaped the assault on his cellular phone. All three boys were refugees. Press reports indicate one was from Iraq, while two were from either Eritrea, Sudan, or Somalia. 

Read the rest of the article.

It’s a Breitbart exclusive. The rest of the media refuses to touch this story.

Someone should ask Paul Ryan about it though, no?