Twist the Knife

Tory Scot
The Right Stuff
November 12, 2016


SIR ROGER L’ESTRANGE tells us a story in his collection of Fables, of the Cock and the Horses. The Cock was gotten to roost in the stable among the horses; and there being no racks or other conveniences for him, it seems, he was forced to roost upon the ground. The horses jostling about for room, and putting the Cock in danger of his life, he gives them this grave advice, “Pray, Gentlefolks! let us stand still! for fear we should tread upon one another!”

There are some people in the World, who, now they are unperched,and reduced to an equality with other people, and under strong and very just apprehensions of being further treated as they deserve, begin, with ESOP’S Cock, to preach up Peace and Union and the Christian duty of Moderation; forgetting that, when they had the Power in their hands, those Graces were strangers in their gates!

It is now, near fourteen years, (1688-1702), that the glory and peace of the purest and most flourishing Church in the world has been eclipsed, buffeted, and disturbed by a sort of men, whom, GOD in His Providence, has suffered to insult over her, and bring her down. These have been the days of her humiliation and tribulation. She has borne with an invincible patience, the reproach of the wicked: and GOD has at last heard her prayers, and delivered her from the oppression of the stranger.

And now, they find their Day is over! their power gone! and the throne of this nation possessed by a Royal, English, true, and ever constant member of, and friend to, the Church of England! Now, they find that they are in danger of the Church of England’s just resentments! Now, they cry out, “Peace!” “Union!” “Forbearance!” and “Charity!”: as if the Church had not too long harboured her enemies under her wing! and nourished the viperous blood, till they hiss and fly in the face of the Mother that cherished them!

No, Gentlemen! the time of mercy is past! your Day of Grace is over! you should have practised peace, and moderation, and charity, if you expected any yourselves!

-Daniel Defoe, Shortest Way with the Dissenters

Remember all the times these people attacked you, and mocked you, and celebrated the withering away of your nation. Remember all the times they smugly reminded you that in a decade or two you’d be a minority. Remember their persecution of those who dissented from their system, how they doxxed and fired people who stood in their way. Remember that they were confident that you were done for. Remember the people who have been killed by the criminals and terrorists that the globalists saw fit to bring to your homeland.

Know that if they were in power now, they would not be talking of mercy and forgiveness. They would not smile upon patriots and nationalists. They would wield the power of the state to its full extent against their enemies – against you. Do unto others as they would do unto you.

Our goal should be to push Trump as far right as possible, and to encourage him to do as much damage to the enemies of white America as he can, while at the same time doing all we can to agitate the left into an anti-white frenzy Make them alienate would be sympathisers. Don’t become complacent. The House of Representatives, the Senate, and the Presidency are in the hands of the Republicans. This is our chance to strike back, and God help us if we squander this opportunity.

The Tories in England did not heed the advice of Defoe, and the vipers eventually emerged from their den and brought about the fall of Toryism in England. Let’s not make the same mistake. We want our own country, and in the words of Defoe:

“Let her foundations be established upon the destruction of her enemies!”