Twitter Blackface Skirmish: Charcoal Face Masks Called Racist, Normal People Fight Back

Pomidor Quixote
Daily Stormer
February 19, 2019

Sometimes crossing a line is enough for normal people to see the insanity of it all. In this case, people tried to push against charcoal face masks arguing that it’s just another form of blackface, and normal people fought back.

Daily Mail:

Twitter users have been slammed after claiming charcoal face masks are racist – with the pampering products likened to ‘blacking up’.

Some argued it was racist to don the masks but faced a backlash from others who feel they are taking it too far.

The face masks are used to unblock pores and are black because of the charcoal component.

The evidently ridiculous claims triggered a response in normal people:

This is one of the reasons why you should consider having a shitlib twitter persona.

Taking some of these things to extremes allows normal people to see how insane it all is. This “charcoal face masks is just another form of blackface” thing was likely born as master trolling, and real shitlibs picked it up and rolled with it, which is exactly what you want to happen in order to show people who still have working neurons the ways in which clown world operates.

Once they see these extremes for what they are, they realize it’s not the extreme that is insane, but that the whole thing is insane.

Next time something like this blackface thing happens… you know what to do.

Push it to the limit.