Twitter Blames Putin for Haji’s Soccer Injury Ahead of World Cup

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 27, 2018

We’ve got an important developing world situation…

The Guardian:

And fade to white. By the end of a messy, thrilling, occasionally grisly Champions League final in Kiev the most unexpected note was that Liverpool’s fearless run to this stage should end with regrets and a quiver of what might have been.

Wait, hold on – what the fuck kind of writing is that? Is this supposed to be nonironically pretentious or ironically shitty?

Anyway – point being: British haji done got hurt we he do da big ball kicker game.

As an American, I just assume all soccer injuries are fake, as a huge part of the game is faking injuries. Because it is such a pussy sport, that they make this big deal out of injuries, so people fake them nonstop because they get points for them or something.

Of course, the biggest soccer game of all is coming up in Russia, and people usually like to win their own games in their own countries, so of course, Putin is being blamed for this injury.

I can’t tell if any of those are jokes and if so which ones.

Satire is dead.

Because a lot of people have now been genuinely gaslit by the mainstream media narrative that all bad things which happen in the world are somehow orchestrated by Russia.

Because of the big lie.

If you say something over and over and over again, eventually people accept it as reality. It’s basic psychology. It took a while with the Russia thing because it was so silly, but now, people have finally heard this stuff enough times that they’ve internalized it and are coming up with their own theories of Russian evil.

Jews call anti-Semites “conspiracy theorists,” but I wouldn’t blame Jews for a sports injury. In fact, I don’t blame Jews for anything I don’t have proof they’re doing.

But there is a thing there: while the mainstream media and the dopey dupes who trust it are going on about Russia, we have covertly overtaken the narrative of the internet, and so the evil of Jews is now taken for granted throughout most of the open online spaces.

Of course, the Jewish issue is the truth, but it doesn’t really matter either way – the same psychological process is at work, where people just hear something enough times, from enough different people, and they accept it as fact.

This is why everything is being shut down. Because they saw what we were doing.

Comments sections are all closed, on virtually every site, and the ones that have left their comments sections open are heavily moderated and you still go there and just see a bunch of people talking about Jews.

You can’t even say the word “Jew” once on Twitter or Facebook without getting banned now.

YouTube has deleted tens of thousands of videos over the last few months (though they are still allowing stuff on the livestreams, because it’s making them so much money and the ADL/SPLC hasn’t really come down on them yet).

And you know what happened to the Daily Stormer. They tried to completely erase us from the internet entirely. As they are engaging in lawfare and attempting to bankrupt me.

They understand how the process works. We hijacked their strategy of full-spectrum information barrage on what was a new and open form of mass communication.

But you know.

The damage is already done.

So many people are now aware of the Jewish problem, that it is a genie that cannot be put back in the bottle.

This Russian hoax on the other hand was a bad, forced meme, which cannot sustain itself long term.