Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 11, 2015

If Holder was still around, he would indict the entire city of Cleveland over this.
The Ohio prosecutor gathering evidence in the death of Tamir Rice by a Cleveland police officer released two reports Saturday that conclude the officer was justified in shooting the 12-year-old.
The reports, conducted by a retired FBI agent and a prosecutor in Denver, say Officer Timothy Loehmann acted reasonably under the law when he shot Tamir, who was holding a pellet gun that police say resembled a handgun, on Nov. 22.
A grand jury will determine in Loehmann faces criminal charges in Tamir’s death. Surveillance video shows the officer opening fire on Rice within seconds of arriving on the scene.
“We are not reaching any conclusions from these reports,” Cuyahoga County Prosecutor Timothy J. McGinty said in a statement. “The gathering of evidence continues and the grand jury will evaluate it all.”
McGinty said he released the reports in the interest of transparency. The reports were commissioned by the prosecutor’s office. McGinty said additional reports have also been commissioned and will be released publicly.
Subodh Chandra, a lawyer for Tamir’s family, criticized the reports as part of what he called a “whitewash.”
“These supposed “experts” — all pro-police — dodge the simple fact that the officers rushed Tamir and shot him immediately without assessing the situation in the least,” Chandra said in a statement. Reasonable jurors could find that conduct unreasonable.”
Tamir was shot after he allegedly refused orders to put his hands up and reached for his waistband, police have said.
Sims noted that a detective on the scene initially thought the pellet gun was a Colt 1911 handgun, and was surprised when he learned it was an airsoft pellet gun.
It is crazy that we are even talking about indicting a cop for shooting someone who was pointing a gun at people and threatening them, then pointed the gun at cops.
The idea that they did this out of race-hate, and the idea that this idea is being promoted in the media and by the President, is beyond the pale.