Two Living Antipopes Canonize Two Dead Antipopes

Rufus Deira
Daily Stormer
April 27, 2014


The Roman Catholic Church is a festering corpse which is only being kept animate in order that it may be used as a battering ram for the total destruction of Christendom.  If anyone has any serious doubts that the Church of Rome has been captured by the ancient Jewish enemy, the double canonization of the Antipopes John Paul II and John XXIII by the current imposters, Francis and Benedict XVI, should awaken people from their slumber.

John XXIII was the driving force behind Vatican II, which formalized the Jewish take-over of the Catholic Church.  His main aide in this obliteration of Christianity was none other than retired pope, Benedict XVI.  For the great enemy of Christianity to be canonized in the presence of his partner-in-crime, is a public victory for the forces of Judaism.  To add to this mockery, the canonization of John Paul II – a man who spread heresy into the Church as a ceaseless servant of Jewry – in the presence of the other current anti-Pope, Francis, is indicative of the sickness afflicting unHoly Mother Church.

Of course the mainstream media is celebrating this public festival of Judæo-Christianity.  This is only to be expected of the Talmudic media.  The Church of Rome is Dead and anyone who expects it to have a resurrection, will be sorely disappointed.

From the Independent:

Popes John Paul II and John XXIII have been declared saints at an historic ceremony at the Vatican, presided over by Pope Francis and in the presence of the retired Pope Benedict XVI.

Francis recited the saint-making formula in Latin, saying that after deliberating, consulting and praying for divine assistance “we declare and define Blessed John XXIII and John Paul II be saints and we enroll them among the saints, decreeing that they are to be venerated as such by the whole church.”

Benedict was sitting off to the side with other cardinals in St Peter’s Square during the rite at the start of Sunday’s Mass. He and Francis briefly greeted one another after Francis arrived.

The squares and streets of the Vatican were packed with hundreds of thousands of people for the ceremony, with the overwhelming majority made up of Polish people who had made the pilgrimage to see their most famous compatriot, John Paul II, become a saint.

Hundreds of red and white Polish flags filled the square and the streets surrounding the Vatican, which were strewn with sleeping bags, backpacks and folding chairs. It was one of the biggest crowds since John Paul II’s beatification in 2011.

John XXIII, who reigned from 1958 to 1963 and called the modernising Second Vatican Council, and John Paul II, the Pole who reigned for nearly 27 years, played a leading role on the world stage

Francis’ own huge popularity has added extra appeal to the unprecedented ceremony to raise two former leaders of the church to sainthood on the same day. But while both were widely revered, there has also been criticism that John Paul II, who only died nine years ago, has been canonised too quickly.