More Golden Dawn MPs Arrested Without Clear Charges Against Them

Daily Stormer
January 14, 2014

The People demand Justice.
The People demand Justice.

The technique of the Jew-run government of Greece appears to be to use the Golden Dawn as an endless media spectacle.  I don’t personally understand the strategy, as it seems that this inevitably leads to a bolstering of support by the continually rising party.

From the Golden Dawn International News Room:

While the suicides of impoverished Greeks is becoming a daily phenomenon, the occupational government still carries on the task of their Jewish bosses. Two more MPs of our Movement, Germenis and Iliopoulos, have been arrested as a result of their opposition against the traitors and their ideas. Both MPs were held hostage for 7 and 5 hours respectively, standing in front of the modern Inquisition and being forced to “confess” their crime of being part of a criminal organization, while never mentioning any specific criminal act! Due to this charade a third MP, comrade Mpoukouras couldn’t be interrogated because the judges were exhausted!

Meanwhile the government prepares to pass new tax laws that expect to remove from the People the amount of 11 billion euros! We are witnessing the beginning of their end. The desperate struggle for support. The last panic moves before the fall. Fatal moves that reveal the decline of the Regime and their fear against the only genuine opposition in Greece. The Golden Dawn is here to stay, and those that still can’t see this are not only cowards, but idiots as well.

Golden Dawn MP Stathis Boukouras has also been taken into custody.

Here are some statements from family members of those arrested.