Two Thirds of Germans Want Merkel Out

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 16, 2017

It turns out, destroying your own nation through a policy of mass immigration, gang-rape and terrorism is not popular – even in Germany.

For the last seven decades, German culture has been marked by a severe form of self-hatred, due to their having been accused of a goofy fake news hoax involving quadrillions of innocent Jews being gassed to death in fake shower rooms and turned into lampshades and soap.

Merkel was the figurehead of a Jewish-backed program to allow Germans to take revenge on themselves for these alleged crimes of their ancestors through self-extermination.

A turn against Merkel is a turn against this self-extermination program.


Almost 64 percent of Germans don’t wish to see Angela Merkel reelected as Chancellor, a poll conducted by YouGov has found. Meanwhile, the Social Democrats (SPD) are shooting ahead in the polls, despite predictions that their popularity was on the wane.

The poll published on Monday shows that, of the two-thirds of Germans dissatisfied with Merkel, 42 percent strongly want her out, while 22 percent said it was “probably” a good idea to elect a new leader.

Conversely, 19 percent said it was “probably best” to stick with her to avoid a change in leadership in the foreseeable future, while only 8 percent strongly wanted to see her reelected as Chancellor.

The question literally could have been “do you want to be exterminated as a race?”

And it would have gotten the same answers.

“Should Merkel stay in power?” is a codeword for “do you want to be exterminated?”

Merkel has been in power for 12 years.

The survey cast doubt on whether the CDU can win with Merkel at the helm – 35 percent of Germans don’t think so, and only 19 percent do.

At the same time, political analysts were surprised to learn that the Social Democrats (SPD) have apparently reversed their popularity slump.

In December, the party led by Martin Schultz had registered historically low poll numbers showing only 20 percent support, with little hope of change. Schultz’s poll numbers have since been rising, however, and he is expected to make further gains through his foreign and security policies, according to another poll published by YouGov on January 30.

ARD Deutschland reported that Schultz’s nomination had quickly led to an eight-point bounce for the party – the first such gain since the Bundestag elections of 2013.

Schulz isn’t popular because he’s Schulz, he’s popular because he isn’t Merkel. That’s it.

Although, he sort of is Merkel.

He hasn’t been some kind of anti-migrant figure. In fact, he support the Merkel plot to begin with, and he is a sort of soft-Merkel even now in his rhetoric.

He’s also an aggressive pro-Jew figure (it’s unknown whether he himself is Jewish).

In 2014, Haaretz journalist  wrote:

Martin Schulz, the president of the European Parliament, is a close friend of mine. On most issues connected to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict we disagree. He is closer to the Israeli mainstream, and his positions resemble those of Labor Party chairman Isaac Herzog. He once told me, during a frank and stern conversation, “For me, the new Germany exists only in order to ensure the existence of the State of Israel and the Jewish people.” He’s a brilliant intellectual and a thoughtful politician, and we don’t need to worry – he won’t give up his existential friendship so easily. And certainly not because of Bennett or his colleague Orit Strock, the party whip.

This is, of course, a secondhand statement, not an official statement.

But to my knowledge, Schulz has neither confirmed or denied this statement.

Either way, he is bought and paid for my Jews, and will simply be more of the same for Germany.

Yet the symbolic act of replacing Merkel will have some symbolic value, in my opinion.

How much value it will have is yet to be seen. It will come down to whether or not Germans protest when Schulz behaves exactly like Merkel, which I can assure you, he is going to do.