Two Thirds of the Invasion of Britain Comes from Outside the EU

Daily Stormer
July 21, 2014

Britain is being swamped with floods of people from all nations and tongues.

Thanks to the rise of Nationalism in Europe and the large Pro-White media presence on the internet, the mainstream media is finally being forced to address the issue of Non-White immigration.

You’re right media – it’s a bloody mess.

This is what we’ve been saying.


Of all the horror policies of the Blair-Brown government, their open-door immigration ­approach ranks at the top of the list. Moving from a steady average of about 300,000 a year, immigration quickly escalated to almost double that figure under Labour.

This meant that there was approximately one new immigrant arriving in Britain for every minute of the Labour government. Where did they come from?

Between 2005 and 2010, the UK gained 525,000 immigrants from the European Union – 304,000 from the Eastern Euro­pean member states.

Contrast this with the 1.2 million mig­rants from outside the EU who remain in Britain from the same period and you will see that EU immigration actually makes up less than a third of Britain’s total ­immigration figure.

Immigrants from Eastern Europe in London.

Despite the media attention, Eastern Europeans make up barely 18 per cent of the total figure.

So, we have two tasks. To renegotiate a new relationship with the EU that allows us to control European migration, and to control the much larger non-EU figure, something already within our power.

Do we need any immigration at all?

In my book Rising Tides I set out the picture for such heavily indebted countries as Britain and Japan. What is known as the age dependency ratio (the number of pensioners per 1,000 people of working age) will increase from 300 (which has been a stable average since the 1970s) to almost 500 in 2051.

Currently, for every three workers contributing to National Insurance, there is one person receiving a pension. In the next 40 years this will change to two workers for every pensioner. It could be worse.

With an age dependency rate of 370, ­Japan is already dealing with this issue. It has used technological improvements to increase the efficiency of workers and the government is trying to mobilise more of its retired and women. Although these measures have no doubt helped, they are not enough on their own. The UN has recommended that Japan either raises its retirement age to 77 or allows an additional 40 million immigrants over the next 40 years; equivalent to a third of the country’s current population and not, therefore, a comfortable choice for politicians.

How do we in Britain get an immigration policy that deals with our ageing ­population’s needs while balancing social and cultural considerations?

The first thing is to control total numbers. High incoming numbers put pressures on schools, health services, housing and jobs. It also makes integration more difficult and runs an increased risk of creating ghettos. Getting control of numbers is not enough though. We also need to properly decide which individuals come here.

Invaders heading for Britain from outside Europe.