Two’s Company, Three’s Allowed: Jew Censorship in Australia

Shaun Surplus
Daily Slave
February 28, 2015


On today’s edition of Two’s Company, Three’s Allowed, Shaun speaks about:

  • Muzo whore has Australian woman arrested
  • Daily Stormer and possibly later Daily Slave may be blocked from Australia viewing
  • Proxy Servers will save Australians
  • The authorities will never stop us from getting the truth
  • A leader leads a horse to water but cannot make him drink.  A ruler leads a horse to water and drowns him in it.
  • People don’t look past their lamestream (mainstream) media, so they don’t know any different
  • Menzies and Holt, Julia and Howard suck big hairy testicles
  • Where is the economy and how do we pay off core debt?
  • A special sheep story (Damn those sheep have nice thighs)
  • National Geographic lie by omission
  • Ches does a great Indian accent

And much more…
