Typical: Indian Girl, 13, Gang-Raped and Burned Alive

Daily Mail
October 24, 2013

Gang-rape of children is a daily occurrence in India, due to their unique and colorful cultural heritage.
Gang-rape of children is a nigh daily occurrence in India, due to their unique and colorful cultural heritage.

An Indian girl believed to be 13 years old was gang raped and then burnt alive after she threatened to report the incident.

The girl, from a village in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh, died after suffering 80 per cent burns.

She was attacked on Tuesday night by three men as she was returning home after visiting a farm with her elder sister.
Her family told police they dragged her to a nearby area and gang-raped her.

The girl then threatened the rapists that she would inform the villagers at which point they set her on fire.

According to a report in the Times of India one of the attacker was a local thug by the name of Ram Bahadur.

The girl’s sister raced back to the village to raise the alarm. Members of her family and other villagers arrived at the scene the to find the girl had suffered horrific burns.

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