U-Turn: Trump Says NATO Isn’t Actually Obsolete

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 13, 2017

So, to summarize this week’s findings:

  • Bombing Syria is good
  • Russia is bad
  • China isn’t really a currency manipulator
  • And now, NATO is good.

What a shitty week, man.

NBC News:

President Donald Trump reversed his stance on NATO being “obsolete” Wednesday — a 180-degree turn on a key campaign complaint that the military alliance was no longer equipped for the fights ahead, specifically when it comes to terrorism.

During a joint press conference with NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg, Trump said NATO “is no longer obsolete” because it has adapted to focus on handling the threat of terror.

The president called NATO a “bulwark of international peace and security.”

As a candidate Trump complained repeatedly about fellow member states not paying their fair share. The agreed upon amount is at least 2 percent of a country’s GDP, but less than a quarter of the 28 countries in the alliance are actually contributing that.

“NATO is obsolete,” Trump, then a candidate, told ABC News in March of 2016. “And it’s extremely expensive to the United States, disproportionately so. And we should readjust NATO. And it’s going to have to be either readjusted to take care of terrorism or we’re going to have to set up a new — a new coalition, a new group of countries to handle terrorism because terrorism is out of control.”


That’s what I was remembering.

On Wednesday, the NATO secretary general agreed that other allied nations needed to pay more, telling reporters at the press conference that all nations need to contribute their fair share in the name of security.

Germany, for instance, has committed to ratcheting up its spending to 2 percent of GDP by 2024, a decision Trump praised Merkel for during a joint press conference at the White House last month.

LOL @ Germany existing in 2024.

The future is open, but whatever happens in the next 7 years, by 2024, Germany is going to be one of the following things:

  • An Islamic Caliphate
  • A Fallout-style nuclear wasteland
  • A part of the Russian Empire

There is no fourth possibility.

President Trump also weighed in on Secretary of State Tillerson’s meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin and Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, saying Tillerson did a “terrific job” but that time will tell on the meeting’s outcome.

Trump maintained, as he did for the entirety of his candidacy, that it would be good for the U.S. to have better relations with Russia but as it stands right now “we’re not getting along with them at all.”

And why is that?

What is the reason we are not getting along with Russia?

Is it because you followed through with your promises to the American people and you just couldn’t make it work?

Or is there some other reason?

He went on to say that relations between the two countries “may be at all time low.”

Trump also had harsh words for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, saying he has “absolutely no doubt” the U.S. did the right thing with a military strike he ordered over the weekend.

Trump denounced the Syrian strongman in no uncertain terms, saying his regime’s chemical weapons attack proves “that’s a butcher. That’s a butcher.”

A butcher.

Is this guy aware that the US invaded Iraq for no reason anyone can even explain and it resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people?

Who is the butcher?

If we’re going to hold people responsible for deaths in wars, why not pull-up the neocons who did Iraq on criminal charges instead of lining your administration with them?