Uber Robot Car Takes Out a Sickening Degenerate

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 20, 2018

Need the trash taken out? 

It’s Uber time. 

The media is outraged over the fact that an Uber self-driving car took out a pedestrian.

Fox News:

Sunday night’s deadly crash in Arizona involving a self-driving Uber SUV could leave the ridesharing company vulnerable to criminal charges under new rules enacted earlier this month by the state’s governor.

Republican Gov. Doug Ducey used light regulations to entice Uber to the state after the company experienced a shaky rollout of test cars in neighboring California, and hundreds of vehicles with automated driving systems have been on the state’s roads.

But on March 1, Ducey signed an executive order creating a detailed rules and licensing system for the vehicles. Under the new rules, a spokesman for the governor told the Phoenix New Times, a company that operates a self-driving vehicle would be held responsible if it negligently killed someone during testing. According to the paper, the company could even be held criminally liable in the same manner a person would.

Police in Tempe said an Uber-operated Volvo SUV was engaged in autonomous mode with a human back-up operator behind the wheel when it struck and killed 49-year-old Elaine Herzberg

What the media isn’t telling you is that the so-called “victim” – who is probably JEWISH – was a filthy degenerate who deserved to be cleansed from the streets.

That is to say, the robot was simply doing what robots should do and removing the lowest filth of human society.

The worst thing we could do is kill-shame this robot car for cleaning up the filth! The robot car should be given an award.

We have to clean the filth off of our streets and the easiest way to get this done is killer robots.

The Uber incident shows that robots want to kill degenerates, even without being programmed to do so. This makes the process that much easier. We have plausible deniability, we can tell the public we are not trying to commit a genocide, as we are in the middle of committing it.