UC Davis: Evil Rats Wake to Swastikas on Their Frat

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 2, 2015

Like, how many, like, times can you like, say “like,” like, in one like, sentence, kike?


On Saturday morning – the holiest day of the week for Jews – swastikas spray painted in red on their Jewish frat house were the last thing these brothers expected to wake up to.

“I’m a freshman so I’ve never had to deal with such outward show of hate towards me and my people,” Itai Ofir said.

Ofir and his Jewish fraternity Alpha Epsilon Pi call it anti-Semitism at its worst.

“I mean, you can see throughout history many Arab countries have tried to take down Israel,” Nir Voloshin said.

Pro-Israel students say they feared recent events would lead to this.

“This week is sort of a bad week to be Jewish on campus,” said Nathaniel Bernhart, vice president of AEPI.

“So this is not out of the blue. We’re pretty sure this is directly related,” said Joshua Wortsman, the fraternity’s president-elect.

After years of heated meetings, the UC Davis student body senate passed a resolution Thursday urging the school to stop all involvement with companies that support Israel.

We always have to wonder if this sort of vandalism has been carried out by the parasitical creatures themselves, as they have so often been caught spraying Swastikas on their own buildings in order to garner sympathy from the stupid goyim.

Shame, shame.
Shame, shame.

At the same time, I feel people critical of Jews are too quick to assume this is the case. The reality is, more and more people are growing to hate these rat-faced weasels, and so it is becoming more and more likely that people will take out their anger by going full-Nazi against them.

I think the Jew hive-mind may now be realizing that inciting fake hatred against themselves is not helpful, and that in fact it would be better, due to the level of real hatred, to make it look like they are loved rather than hatred.  Because at this point, rather than saying “oh the poor Jews,” when people hear of House Israel getting Nazied, they are more likely to think “wow, a whole lot of people sure do hate these Jews, I wonder what they did?”