Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 12, 2015

This stuff just keeps getting goofier.
McCarthy was right.

In a letter uncovered by Campus Reform Tuesday afternoon, over 60 professors have endorsed the attempt to ban the American flag from an “inclusive” space on the campus of UC Irvine (UCI).
The letter, which features over 1,200 signatures as of this writing, praises the ban on national flags, especially the American flag, passed by the Associated Students of University of California, Irvine (ASUCI) last week. After Campus Reform broke the story, the ban received intense media scrutiny and was vetoed by organization’s Executive Cabinet.
“We write to support the six members who offered the resolution to remove national flags from the ASUCI lobby,” the letter reads. “The university ought to respect their political position and meet its obligation to protect and promote their safety. The resolution recognized that nationalism, including U.S. nationalism, often contributes to racism and xenophobia[.]”
“This is a more or less uncontroversial scholarly point, and in practice the resolution has drawn admiration nationally from much of the academic community,” the letter continues.
Prominent UC Irvine professors that allegedly signed the letter of support include James Porter, Professor of Classics; Virginia Jackson, UCI Endowed Chair in Rhetoric; Adriana Johnson, Associate Professor of Comparative Literature; Nasrin Rahimieh, Professor of Comparative Literature; and Luis Aviles, Associate Professor of Spanish and Portuguese.
The letter complains that since the resolution came to light, “UCI has been inundated with racist, xenophobic comments and death threats against the students from people who are, precisely, invested in the paraphernalia of nationalism,” and that UCI’s Facebook page has “filled up with violent and racist remarks” which its moderator did not delete.
Richard Pham, a senior majoring in History, told Campus Reform he was appalled to learn that UC Irvine professors supported the actions of the student council.
“What troubles me about the flag ban is that it restricts free speech,” Pham said. “This is a public university, we are adults here, we’re here to discuss ideas civilly, and they are seeking to ban things.”
The fact is that yes, the flag is racist. America is a racist country, in that it was a country built by White men for White men, just as China is a racist country in that it was built by Chinamen for Chinamen. Every country in the world – besides I guess Brazil – is racist in that it was built by a certain racial group and due to having been built by a certain racial group is most suited to that racial group.
That said, America is one of the least racist nations, given that we have always had minorities – whether they be Indians, Black slaves or free Blacks, Chinese railroad workers, etc. and we have always tried to be as fair and inclusive as possible with these people, while also retaining our identity as a White country.
But alas, no more. Now we will give up our identity as a White country for these increasingly whiny hordes. The thing is, I don’t think the hordes will like the place too much when Whiteness is gone, because that will mean there is nothing left to suck out of the place.