Daily Stormer
April 12, 2015

Sometimes we forget that all Paleface goyim are born being filled with hatred and a desire to murder everyone who has different skin pigment than them.
It is important that we remind them.
After twenty years of lobbying for a mandatory diversity class for all students, the University California Los Angeles faculty finally got their way.
Friday the university announced that almost all UCLA students will be required to take a course on ethnic, cultural, religious or gender diversity. The decision reflects a huge victory for the academic left by continuing to imbue education with a multi-cultural agenda.
The Los Angeles Times reported that the Faculty Senate voted 916 to 487 in favor of the mandate. UCLA will begin teaching the course to incoming freshmen in fall 2015 and to new transfer students in 2017. The new requirement will apply to all students in the College of Letters and Science which makes up 85% of all UCLA undergrads.
On the other side of the political correctness aisle UCLA political science professor Thomas Schwartz contends that the course is totally unnecessary. He finds it insulting to UCLA students to suggest that they are so bigoted they would need a course like this.
“The idea that 21st century American 18 year-olds who have been admitted to UCLA are so afflicted with bigotry that they must be forced to endure an attitude-altering course is preposterous. It is like forcing Norwegians to get inoculated against malaria,” Schwartz wrote.