Bebe Rexha is a 29-year-old fat whore who is famous for some reason, apparently. I don’t know who she is, but she’s news, apparently.
She recently took to Instagram to body-shame the whole world, and claim that her disgusting fatbody is “what a real woman looks like.” In fact, her bulbous, misshapen and repulsive form is the opposite of what a “real woman” looks like – it is what a MODERN woman looks like, having had everything “real” stripped from her life, including real food and real bodily exertion.
In actual reality, women historically looked much, much better than she does – even old ones.
We all know this is true, because we have all seen women at the gym who are older and much more attractive than this slovenly blob of melted goop.
For you see, despite the claims of lying whores, a woman can easily stay fit well into her thirties. The only caveat is that there is nothing you can do with the tits – after 25, any woman’s tits are useless (unless they’re very small), and you can’t exercise to train your tits. However, modern bra technology means that a woman’s tits don’t really matter for anyone looking at her other than an intimate partner.
But many, many women stay fit and attractive.
I’ll list a few here – and I’ll try to keep them as white as possible, since white women are correct in stating that darker women have an advantage due to higher testosterone levels.
Julia Gilas is 35 (THIRTY-FIVE) and from the Ukraine, so as white as any Northern Euro. Fake tits, but if you’re a 35-year-old fitness model, you have to have fake tits. Again – this isn’t about the tits, because I am totally willing to admit that on that front, there ain’t nothing a bitch can do.
Let’s just go nuts here and do a list of women who are twenty years older than Bebe and yet have better bodies.
If you’re a woman, you can’t be attractive at 50 (if you’re a man it’s easy and you can still fuck 19-year-olds if you’re charming), but you CAN be healthy and fit and feel good.
Okay – I’ll violate the rules one more time. Anllela Sagra is Columbian, so maybe there’s little bit of spice up in there (even if she’s pure Spanish like most of the ruling class in South America, they’re not dealing with the same aging issues as Northern European women), and she’s also only 24 years old.
She also has fake tits, but they’re not extravagant.
Despite being younger than Bebe and (maybe) slightly less white, Anllela is what women should be looking to for what their bodies should look like instead of Bebe Rexha. Because there is simply no reason that women should not be striving to be better than they are, rather than celebrating how disgusting they are.
I am certainly not perfect myself. I am in good shape, but I always look at men who are in better shape and strive for that. Furthermore, I am only 5’7″ – and that is permanent – but I would never say that the ideal man is 5’7″, because that simply is not accurate.
We should ALWAYS compare ourselves to the best, and try to be more like them. Women naturally do this when there is sexual competition, but unfortunately, female sexual competition has been removed by the welfare state and by a collective decision by women to all get fat together.
If I had my way, every woman in the West would be legally required to have a life-size poster of Anllela Sagra next to a full-body mirror, so they would be forced to compare themselves every day.
Bebe Rexha wants you to believe that these pictures are all faked. They are not faked. These women are simply in good shape, because they eat healthy, work out and do not drink heavily or take drugs.
A woman over the age of 20 will never be beautiful – in particular, she will never be “lovely,” or capable of inspiring strong emotions in a man – but they do not naturally look like complete shit, and it is actually rather easy for them to not look like complete shit.
It really doesn’t take much.
The fact that so many of them look like utter shit, and then go around bragging about it, is simply further evidence of what a massive problem these whores actually are.
Bebe should be paying a lot more attention to her body, because her face looks like it was reconstructed after a helicopter crash.
But women are lazy as all fuck, and they just want to blame the world for their problems – and lie to themselves that somehow, all women are as disgusting as they are.
But they are not.
Not all of them are disgusting – yet.
But what these filthy fat whores do is BODY SHAME women who are NOT FAT.
Ask any thin woman you know, and you will hear the TRUTH.
Women do not shame other women for being fat slobs – they shame them for being the opposite. Because white women have collectively decided to all get fat as a form of collective bargaining against men, and they look at fit women as scabs. Fat women will not let healthy women into their group of friends. If fat women work with healthy women, they will attempt to shame them.
What Bebe is doing by posting her fat body in a bikini is attempting to signal that being fat is high status and “real,” while being healthy is “fake” (women put extreme importance on those two words and have entire concepts behind them that men will never understand).
We have to protect healthy women who are doing the right thing by instituting a program of FORCED FITNESS on these women after the revolution.
Before the revolution, you can scream at fat women on the streets from your car. Even in Orwellian Europe, there is no law against “incitement to healthy living.”