Ugly Snackbar Climbed Up Drainpipe and Crept into Couple’s Bed While They Slept

January 22, 2015

Saeem Ullah was marched out of the property by the victim’s angry husband.

A drunk intruder sexually attacked a woman after he crept into her bed while she and her husband slept.

After shinning up a drainpipe and climbing in through a bathroom window, Saeem Ullah, 33, had first wandered around the couple’s home.

He then sneaked into their bed as they slept, reports the Rossendale Free Press.

The woman, who cannot be named for legal reasons, awoke to find Ullah touching her bottom and “cupping” her private parts, Burnley Crown Court heard.

The hearing was told how the defendant was marched out of the property by the victim’s angry husband, who was unaware at the time that she had been groped.

Ullah was sentenced to two years in prison at Burnley Crown Court.

He was to tell police that had he known, Ullah would not have got out.

A judge, who described the whole incident as “absolutely bizarre” said his response was “typical and appropriate” for a husband.

The defendant, from Haslingden, but of no fixed address, had claimed he thought there was a party at the premises.

Ullah admitted sexual assault following the incident and was jailed for two years.

Ullah is from Haslingden, but claims he is homeless. What is this creature doing, being in a White country in the first place? Let alone homeless.

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