Daily Mail
March 13, 2014

At least one in every 20 prisoners is from the gipsy, Romany or traveller communities, a report reveals.
With 4,276 prisoners in England and Wales being from these groups, they total 5 per cent of the jail population.
It means there are as many gipsies, Romany and travellers in our jails as there are women.
The figures are higher among youth offenders. Around 12 per cent of all inmates aged 12 to 18 in prisons known as Secure Training Centres are gipsies, Romany or travellers.
The study, by HM Prisons Inspectorate, concluded that people from these backgrounds are ‘significantly over-represented in prison’.

It called for ‘comprehensive monitoring’ of the number of prisoners from the groups to understand why so many are behind bars. ‘The reasons for this over-representation lie outside the prison service and more needs to be done to understand and address this,’ the report said. The HM Prisons Inspectorate added that its prediction of total numbers is likely to be an underestimate.
The report was commissioned to help understand the experiences of particular groups in the prison system.
It finds that many from the three groups have a ‘mistrust’ of the police and the justice system, because they think it is designed to help ‘permanently settled communities’.