UK: £10.6Billion Wasted on Foreign-Aid to Hostile Countries Who Hate Us

Daily Stormer
April 18, 2014


This is even after they have been told that the groups they are giving it to offer only poor, or average value for money. A full sixth of the money goes to the EU, as instead of the money going directly to the hopeless cause, it has to pass through a middleman first. Instead of calling for an end to this waste of taxpayers money, MPs are suggesting giving it to charities instead.

No doubt the MPs involved are also on the pay roll as the directors of the charities.

I have an idea – why not spend the Foreign Aid money into our own economy, using our own poor as the middlemen? You could raise the standard of living and boost the economy that way and the foreigners would finally have to learn to look after themselves.

Conservative MP Peter Bone said the best way to get value for money is to give money to charities directly and not to dole it out to organisations. This will not make any difference at all, as all the charities they use are run as businesses.

From Daily Mail:

Ministers have handed out billions in foreign aid even after being told that much of it is being wasted, it can be revealed.

Since the election, the Department for International Development (DfID) has given £3.3 billion to 12 organisations that offer ‘poor’ or ‘average’ value for money.

Five have been judged by civil servants to offer ‘poor’ value for money. The other seven, including the European Commission, are deemed ‘average’. Shockingly, DfID has increased funding for five of the groups.

The revelation will further anger Tory backbenchers who vehemently disagree with David Cameron’s decision to give 0.7 per cent of the country’s output in aid.

They say it is unfair that British people are suffering cuts to public services and defence budgets while money is being poured into ineffective multilateral bodies.

Yesterday it emerged that Britain spent £10.6 billion on overseas aid in 2013, an increase of 28 per cent on the previous year. We are second only to the US in terms of development cash being handed out.

Conservative MP Peter Bone said: ‘Because they are so determined to meet the 0.7 per cent target, there has been no time to hand out money based on need.

‘So they have been in a rush to give it to organisations that are below value for money – and that’s just crazy.

‘The best way to get value for money is to give funds directly to charities and not dole it out to organisations. Aid policy is now based on targets, not need, and that’s disappointing.’

The biggest beneficiary of Britain’s aid budget is the European Commission, which has been given £2.4 billion in the past three years.

Last year aid minister Alan Duncan said DfID was ‘forced’ to give a sixth of its aid budget to the EU and was powerless over how it was spent.

Last year Aid Minister Alan Duncan said the DfID was ‘forced’ to give a sixth of its aid budget to the EU and was powerless as to how it was spent.