UK: 12 White-Child Raping Non-White Muslims Due in Court Today

Kafir Crusaders
June 4, 2014

Because being found guilty of being a racist is now more of a crime than being found guilty of being a rapist.

Another vile gang of Muslim sex fiends have been busted in Leeds. The 12 members of the grooming gang are due to appear in court on the 3rd June. No doubt this will be another kept low key in the media.

There is a Muslim paedophile epidemic taking place in the UK right now, that’s a fact regardless of what ever denials the authorities, Muslims and leftists make.

  • When are those in power going to admit Muslim grooming gangs are a huge problem?
  • When are these so called moderate Muslims going to take their heads from out of the sand and admit their community is infested with paedophiles sexually exploiting under age girls and start to do something about it?
  • When are the far left extremists such as the UAF going to admit they was wrong and stop defending Muslim grooming gangs or branding those who speak out about it as racist.

Until then the problems will just carry on and on… many more young girls lives are going to get ruined before the problem is eradicated.

The religion is part of the cultural expression of the race. They dont rape because of their religion, they do it because of their race.

From West Yorkshire Police Press Release:

Twelve men are due to appear at Leeds Magistrates Court on Tuesday, 3 June following a protracted investigation by the Leeds District Safeguarding Unit.

Chief Superintendent Paul Money, District Commander for Leeds, said: “Twelve men are due to appear at Leeds Magistrates Court on Tuesday, 3 June, 2014, following an investigation by the Leeds District Safeguarding Unit.

“The alleged offences relate to one, female juvenile victim from the local community and follow a protracted investigation which began in October 2012.”

“Seven of the men are charged. They are:

Nasir Sultan, 24 of Beeston, Leeds – charged with three counts of rape of a girl aged 13-15.

Amir Zaman, 24 of , Beeston, Leeds – charged with  sexual activity with a child.

Awais Butt, 31, of Rothwell, Leeds – charged with sexual Activity with a child and attempting to supply a class B drug.

Farakh Younis 23 of Beeston, Leeds – charged with the attempted rape of a girl aged 13-15 and sexual activity with a child.

Junaid Rashid, 21 of Beeston, Leeds – charged with Inciting sexual activity with a child

Abid Younis, 34, of Beeston, Leeds – charged with sexual assault and posession of a class B drug

Arshid Younis, 29 of Beeston, Leeds – charged with sexual assault, and posession of a class A drug and posession of a class B drug

“Three other men have been summonsed to appeal at court on the same day.

“Two additional men have been charged and will also appear at court on the same day. They were under age at the time the alleged offences were committed.”

Not everyone is prepared to turn a blind eye.