UK: 150 Foreign Criminals Move to Hotel in Town Full of Elderly White People

Daily Stormer
September 30, 2014

conor burns
Bournemouth West MP Conor Burns said he was very worried about this.

While working White people are struggling to keep the roofs over their heads, foreign criminals and traitors to their own countries are being housed in hotels in Britain.  More than 150 of the savages have been moved into two Bournemouth hotels.

Bournemouth has one of the highest concentrations of elderly White people in the UK.  If they are going to put these jungle people anywhere, it should be right next to Cameron, Clegg or Miliband’s house, not right in the middle of our most vulnerable members of society.

This is just asking for trouble, knowing these creatures propensity for raping and killing elderly White people.

They are being housed at the Roundhouse Hotel.

How many Whites have to be victimized by these animals before the British people stand up and say “no more”?

Bournemouth Echo:

A total of 88 are staying at the Roundhouse Hotel in Meyrick Road and a further 67 are being accommodated at the Heathlands Hotel on Grove Road, East Cliff.The measure has been described by the Home Office as “short-term” due to overcrowding in London.

It is anticipated that the asylum seekers will be in Bournemouth for no more than two weeks and that they will not have access to statutory services such as schools and social services.

Officials from the UK Visas and Immigration department are due to meet up with Bournemouth council officials to discuss the matter on Tuesday.

Bournemouth West MP Conor Burns said the asylum seekers were part of a group of 800 that were being housed in a hotel in Croydon, but were now being dispersed to other locations.

Because tourism played such a key role in the town’s economy, Mr Burns said: “I am very concerned by this. “

“I will be talking to the Minister for Immigration to make sure Bournemouth is not a targeted destination for asylum seekers in the future. ”

This is not ideal. I would have preferred they weren’t there. But I have been assured these are exceptional circumstances.”

He said he did not know from which country the asylum seekers were from.

They themselves probably don’t even know which countries they are from.  These people have an average IQ of 60, making them roughly only 20% as intelligent as a common porpoise.

Nigga we ridin: Asylum seekers strutting about the place and not even attended by a keeper.