UK: 16-Year-Old Girl Raped by Future Pension Payers

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
September 11, 2017

Tamin RahmaniShersha Muslimyar, Rafiullah Hamidy.

Just another beautiful day in multicultural paradise.


Three men and a teenager have been jailed for subjecting a 16-year-old girl to an “abhorrent” rape after she asked them for directions.

Shersha Muslimyar, 21, Tamin Rahmani, 38, Rafiullah Hamidy, 24, were sentenced to 14 years in prison.

They attacked the victim as she approached them when making her way to a friend’s house after a night out in Ramsgate, Kent, last September.

The men then took her to a flat, where she was raped, then sent away out the back of the building.

She was eventually found crying in the street by two members of the public who called the police.

This is one of the many reasons we shouldn’t allow women outside without their husband, father, or oldest brother escorting them.