UK: 17 Years for Non-White Rapist Who Forced His Victim to Smile For The Camera

Court News UK
February 1, 2014

Mohammed Islam, following the example his prophet set.

A sex attacker who ordered a student to smile for the camera as he filmed himself repeatedly raping her has been jailed for 17 years (Thurs).

Mohammed Islam, 33, told the terrified victim he would show the videos to her family if she did not have sex with him again.

He also threatened to post the films on YouTube and make a DVD to sell to ‘someone like HMV’.

Islam forced the student to give him thousands of pounds or he would post the video online with her phone number and claim she was a prostitute.

He raped the woman, who cannot be named for legal reasons, at least three times between 21 March 2010 and 28 February this year.