UK: 4 Non-White Perverts Abuse 8 14-Year-Old Girls in Latest Muslim Grooming Gang

Peterborough Today
February 8, 2014

The picturesque city of Peterborough is experiencing a plague of Non-White rapes of young White girls. This is the second gang of Muslim rapists to be busted there within a year.

Four men will stand trial accused of running a sex ring which abused young teenage girls in Peterborough.

Yasir Ali, (28), Mohammed Aslam, (23), Daaim Ashraf, (19), and Akash Yasin, (18), are said to have sexually abused eight 14-year-old girls.

The charges include sex trafficking and rape but the indictment – which is likely to feature more than 20 counts – has not yet been finalised.

Legal teams are currently preparing the final documents for a hearing later this month.

The men did not appear at the Old Bailey in London for the hearing into the case on Friday.

The trial will be the second major court case looking into the sexual abuse of young girls in Peterborough, following conviction of five defendants earlier this year in a separate investigation.

The prosecution applied for the new case to be moved from Peterborough Crown Court.

Prosecutor Nicola Devas said: “It follows on the back of a not dissimilar trial which was heard in this court a short while ago.”

Mr Justice Sweeney agreed with the prosecution’s submission, and said a Peterborough court would not be able to host the trial.

He said: “This is not a case which can be accommodated at Peterborough in any event.”

The judge set the trial for March 24 at Cambridge Crown Court.

It is estimated to last between four and five weeks.

Ali, of Grange Road, Peterborough, Aslam, of Grange Road, Peterborough, and Ashraf and Yasin, of no fixed address, are due to enter their pleas to the indictment later this month on February 21.

The new case is unconnected to the previous sex ring case, which concluded in January: Two men and three boys guilty of sex offences.