UK: 7 Out of 13 Escaped Violent Criminals are Non-White – Is That Why They Were Withholding Their Names?

Daily Mail
May 27, 2014

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Armed thug Andrew Akuffo has been on the run for almost three years. He was serving life for wounding with intent, drugs and firearms offences.

A rapist, arsonist, two burglars, a gun criminal and a string of robbers feature on a list of on-the-run convicts that government officials tried to keep secret.

The Daily Mail can reveal the fugitives’ identities after Justice Secretary Chris Grayling intervened to end the ‘nonsense’ of their privacy being protected.

He said: ‘They are wanted men and should be treated as such.’

A row erupted last week after officials at the Ministry of Justice refused to release the names of 18 criminals who went on the run between May 2010 and March 2013.

This newspaper had applied for the names to be released under Freedom of Information laws – pointing out that it could help to track them down.

But officials said there was a blanket ban on releasing the criminals’ identities because it was their own ‘personal data’ and it would be ‘unfair’ to them.

The decision was taken without the knowledge of Mr Grayling who has now overruled the civil servants. Of the original 18 names, he has published 13.

They include rapist Robert Jones, arsonist Shied Riasat, burglars Viorel Avadanii and Steven Fortnam and robbers Sean Morrisey, Cesk Hanja and Islam Aslam.

The names of the escaped prisoners were not released because of their ‘human rights’.

Also at large are Andrew Akuffo who was serving life for wounding with intent, drugs and firearms offences, Michael Collinson who was given almost seven years for wounding with intent, and Tom Zolynski, a carer who stole £10,000 from a frail, elderly man.

The other three are fraudster Ismail Hasko, drink driver John Wilson and drug dealer Leacroft Wallace.

Seven of the inmates walked out of Ford open prison in West Sussex.

Of the five names being withheld, two have been recaptured and face criminal charges, while police have asked for three more to remain classified on ‘operational’ grounds. The Mail submitted the Freedom of Information request three weeks ago after Michael ‘Skullcracker’ Wheatley absconded while on temporary release from an open prison.

Since then, there have been a string of other incidents of inmates absconding from open conditions, including murderer Arnold Pickering. He, like Wheatley, has been recaptured. Over the weekend, details emerged about four more inmates who had absconded.

Most of the escapes were from Ford Open Prison.

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