UK: Afghan Flasher Can’t be Deported Because Afghans Persecute Flashers

So, all you have to do to prevent being deported is… become a flasher.

Because unlike the understanding West, the barbaric Islamic savages punish people for publicly exposing their penises at strangers.

The Publica:

A new report has revealed that a repeat convicted sex offender from Afghanistan wasn’t deported because his country of origin would “persecute” him if he exposed himself in public as he had been doing in the United Kingdom. Known only as DH, the man had previously been allowed to stay in the country twice after deportation orders were rejected by an asylum tribunal.

The report, compiled by Sky News, explains that DH was represented in 2020 by Duncan Lewis Solicitors, one of the leading London firms that fights the government to prevent deportations. According to the report, around £34 million of legal aid per year has been spent fighting asylum cases since 2017.

DH, an Afghanistan national born in 1993, was convicted twice in 2016 and 2017 of “committing an act outraging public decency and exposure,” including persistently exposing himself to women. But in 2017 and 2018, deportation orders for DH were quashed, allowing him to stay in the country.

Arguing in favor of allowing DH to say in the United Kingdom was “expert” Dr. Ritu Mahendru, who noted that sex offenders were treated poorly in Afghanistan and that DH would be at risk if he were sent back.

These are the same people telling us that the Afghans are horribly sexist, by the way. Same people. Just so you understand.

As a result of Dr. Mahendru’s testimony, the judgement from senior immigration judge Christoper Hanson noted that “Afghan society holds deeply-embedded stigma and discrimination against individuals with mental health problems.”

Judge Hanson added that, “men who perform any kind of sexual act in public, including masturbation and fondling of body parts, would be at high risk of physical violence from mob mentality.”

Because of this, Judge Hanson ruled that “if [DH] acts in the manner he has in the UK on return to Afghanistan (where his mental health will deteriorate further), the acceptance that the ill treatment DH is likely to experience will satisfy the definition of persecution.”

This is the full Sky News report

But remarkably, despite noting that DH would have a lack of treatment options in his home country and using this as a basis for allowing him to remain in the UK, the judgement confirmed that DH has not actually been diagnosed with any mental health conditions.

Even if DH were ever to be successfully deemed eligible for deportation in the future, the UK stopped sending migrants back to Afghanistan since the 2021 Taliban take-over.

How is masturbating at women a “mental health condition”? No one would diagnose that. It’s just anti-social behavior.

People are much more likely to engage in anti-social behavior when they are in a foreign society that they have nothing to do with, by the way.

What exactly is so bad about this place? It looks a lot more cozy than my country.