UK: African Janissary Sues British Army for Cold Weather

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
December 29, 2018

Put Africans in the military they said.

It’s a good idea they said.


A soldier from Africa is suing the Ministry of Defence (MoD) for £150,000, claiming they failed to protect him from cold weather conditions.

Michael Asiamah, from Ghana, brought the negligence claim after allegedly suffering a “cold-related” condition during exercises on Salisbury Plain in March 2016.

According to his lawyers, the 36-year-old suffered pain and numbness in his feet and hands after he was exposed to 18 hours of cold and windy conditions during Exercise Scorpion.

His legal team argues officers exposed Mr Asiamah to the uncomfortable conditions despite knowing Africans are more susceptible to cold-related conditions, according to court papers which quote a 2009 military study which found soldiers of African origin were 30 times more likely to suffer cold-related injuries than indigenous Europeans. 

Well that’s very strange, isn’t it?

I thought Africans were indigenous to Europe and the UK.

Just take a look at what the BBC has to say on the topic.

So: Africans are native to the UK, and yet, somehow, they haven’t adapted to deal with the cold the same as the paler Africans who oppress them?

Is this really where we’re going with this? 

Will we have White people forced to believe ever increasing outrageous lies to demonstrate their loyalty to the ideology, lest they be put in re-education camps?

Because how are we supposed to simultaneously believe both things?

Who knows, mang…

What’s depressing is that the UK military and just the West, in general, seems to have literally endless money to waste on their diversity schemes it seems.

In the future, we need to ban White nations from ever getting too rich.

Roy’s 1st Law Concerning Whites states: too much money in White people’s hands leads to too many niggers in White people’s countries. 

If they have 150,000 pounds to give blacks with cold feet, that means they have too much money.