UK: Aliens Confirmed for Wanting to Gas the Kikes

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 2, 2016

Note that though it has the dots, this is a left-spinning Swastika, rather than a right-spinning Buddhist-type. It is also within a circle, which is typical of Nazi Swastikas.


I think we can take this as a reasonable confirmation that aliens want us to gas the kikes.


A 180ft-wide crop circle cut in a Nazi swastika-like design has mysteriously appeared in a field in Wiltshire, southwest England, sparking conspiracy theorists (unsurprisingly) to speculate about alien involvement.

Since the 1960s, the phenomena have been cited by some conspiracists as evidence of the existence of extraterrestrials, but sightings of the irregular crop patterns date back to as early as the 1600s.

The farmer who tends to the field in Beckhampton, near Avery, said he was shocked to discover the formation which had appeared overnight, saying he had not made it and had not given anyone else permission to.

Local megalithic researcher Hugh Newman said he rushed to the site to capture footage of the crop circle after seeing a Facebook post about it.

“[The farmer] didn’t say much to me but he was a bit concerned by the symbol and he saw the negative connotation of it when he realised what it looked like,” Newman told the Daily Mail.

But he says the symbol appears to be the positive icon used in ancient Buddhism and Hinduism, which was used 5,000 years before Adolf Hitler adopted it as the Nazi insignia.

Since the 1930s and 40s, the symbol has become synonymous with anti-Semitism and far-right extremism. However, in ancient Sanskrit, the ‘svastika’ symbolises well-being.

It was adopted by some Western countries in the early 20th century as a symbol of good luck, but with the arms reversed and tipped to a 45-degree angle.

The difference between the two symbols is that the ancient symbol has dots in the gaps between the lines and has round edges, compared to the blunt edges used in the Nazi design.

Newman said: “You get heaps of hoaxers going around and doing crop circles without anyone’s permission and if they get caught they can be prosecuted for it.”

“But some of the circles they cut are so advanced and difficult to do that it is actually land art.”

Wiltshire is home to Stonehenge, a circle of intricately balanced stones which has stood on the hills surrounding Amesbury for thousands of years. Its original purpose still baffles experts.

Quite possibly, Jews themselves are a type of hybrid of some sort of evil aliens, while the White man is a hybrid of good aliens, both having been genetically-engineered from the native primates of this planet.

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As such, there is a cosmic spiritual battle taking place on earth between eternal forces of good and evil which will decide the fate of not only this quadrant of the galaxy, but the universe itself.

That would also explain this photo:
