UK: Anglican Vicar Finally Speaks Up and Condemns Faggotry

Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
June 23, 2015

Brave and courageous Rev Melvin Tinker has reminded the homosexualists that what they are doing breaks all the laws of nature. He has also warned the general public that a large portion of them are pedophiles too.

Finally a vicar has spoken out and complained about the sickening depravity of having faggots walking the streets flaunting their anal fixation.

And not just walking the streets this time, but actually being welcomed into a church to desecrate it and perform abominations there.

The Guardian:

The Rev Melvin Tinker, vicar of St John in Newland in Hull, said he was outraged to hear that Canon Michael Smith of York Minster would be giving a blessing to York Pride on Saturday.Speaking on Minster FM, he said: “Would he say serial adulterers should be welcome in the church? Should he say that people who are engaged in paedophilia should be involved in the church?”

…Tinker accused Smith of “flaunting the scriptures under the banner of equality”. He said: “What we are talking about is whether certain actions are right or wrong in God’s eyes, as he has revealed it in scripture, and also according to natural law as well.”

As usual, the degenerate filth was unable to answer the points raised by the vicar and instead they just repeated their non-answer to everything once again “don’t you know it’s 2015”

Greg Stephenson, chair of York Pride, said it was disappointing that such comments are being made in 2015, adding. “It just reinforces why Pride events are so important. There’s more to them than just a big party. It’s to highlight that these kind of comments and views are still out there and that they need changing.”

About 400 rainbow flags will go up across York as part of Saturday’s march, which organisers hope will attract as many as 5,000 people.

York Minster, which will drape a 15-metre rainbow flag across its steps, has issued a statement saying that it plans to show its support for the LGBT community.

“As in previous years, York Pride will begin its parade from outside the west end of York Minster, and for the second year running we are joining other groups in the city of York in showing our support for a section of the community that frequently experiences discrimination and hostility,” it read.

“York Minster’s invitation to everyone to discover God’s love through our welcome, worship, learning and work is extended to the entire community – both inside and outside of the minster. The Church of England is actively encouraging conversations around human sexuality and it is better to have those conversations with friends.”

A local group, LGBT Christian Fellowship for Hull and East Riding, issued a statement saying that Tinker did not represent all Christians.

It said: “Although we have a long way to go, that’s not actually the view of people in the pews.”

How can any calling themselves Christian support something that the Bible explicitly demands the death penalty for?