UK: Another Gang of Moslems Caught Trafficking Little Girl

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 11, 2015


It is of course perfectly natural for a conquering people to steal the females of a conquered people, so it makes sense that police didn’t ever do anything about this while they knew it was happening, just as is their custom.

Daily Mail:

The naïve and vulnerable schoolgirl was repeatedly raped and sexually abused as she was passed around 15 Asian males while she was just 13, a court has heard.

The ‘loner’ girl – who was aged 13 and 14 at the time – was allegedly attacked in car parks, parks and churchyards around Keighley, West Yorkshire, by 14 defendants, one of whom was 59 at the time.

The group of men even designated the girl a ‘corner’ in a disused police car park where they daubed her name in graffiti and forced her to perform sex acts.

Prosecutor Michelle Colborne QC told the jury at Bradford Crown Court: Her mother had been advised by the police to keep a diary (of her movement).

During one sustained attack in a separate location, the alleged victim was raped by five men in succession. The court heard that the girl was so traumatised that she ‘could not recall what order she was raped in’.

Thirteen men and one teenager – who cannot be named for legal reasons – are now standing trial, accused of 28 offences. They all deny the charges.

The girl’s ordeal began when she started playing truant from school.

Aged just 12, she was befriended by local drug dealer Ahmed Al-Arif Choudhury, the court heard.

Having become ‘unhappy at home’ and being ‘desperate to fit in’, the girl started working for Choudhury, the court was told.

The jury was told how Choudhury allegedly first raped her when she refused to continue making deliveries for him.

At the time, the teenager’s mother reported the rape to the police but the girl subsequently retracted her complaint. She did, however, take the morning after pill.

Hey feminists – let’s hear more about how White males have a “rape culture.”

You can talk about it while you bleed from your vaginas through your clothes on public streets.

Story on this scene is here.

There is really no need to mention the Moslems actually out raping and trafficking little girls, because that would be racist. Anyway, tampon taxes are a much more serious problem than widescale gang rapes.

The court heard how Choudhary then passed the girl around to other Asian males.

The young white British girl – who cannot be named for legal reasons – would be coerced into having sex with the men by violence and threats, the jury was told.

Weird they all do this exact same behavior, which they also do in the Middle East. Almost as if it’s genetic…. but genetics are a social construct so it cannot be so.

The series of alleged raped then took place in the disused underground car park of the former Keighley Police station, a local park, an old churchyard, behind a library and at the back of a leisure centre.

Mrs Colborne QC told the jury: ‘At times she said “no”, at times she struggled and at times she gave in without saying anything at all. But at no time was she consenting.’

The court heard how the young girl had been a virgin when she was raped by Choudhury in the overgrown grounds of a churchyard in May 2011.

The jury heard Choudhury – who is not on trial – ‘scared’ the girl and encouraged other males to have ‘equally nasty’ sex with her.

Choudhury would allegedly take her to Bay 5 of the disused underground police station car of New Devonshire House, where there was a sofa.

Four males forced her to engage in sex acts with them as Choudhury restrained her on numerous occasions, the court heard.

They cruelly began calling it ‘her corner’ and daubed her name – and their own – on the wall, said Miss Colborne.

On another occasion, the youngest defendant demanded the girl perform a sex act on him. When she said no, Choudhury came up from behind some benches and ‘punched, pushed and kicked’ the girl until she agreed, the court was told.

The court was told how the girl lived a ‘chaotic existence’ and that she went missing 71 times in the space of a year.

Yasser Kabir, 25, from Keighley, denies four allegations of rape while Tauqeer Hussain, 23, and Nazir Khan, 23, also both Keighley, deny three allegations of rape.

Israr Ali, 19; Mohammed Sardar, 19; Saqib Younis, 29; Sufyan Ziarab, 22; Zain Ali, 20, and Faisal Khan, 27 – who are all from Keighley – all deny two allegations of rape. Bilal Ziarab, 21, from Bradford, denies the same charges.

Rohail Iqbal, 22; Rohail Hussain, 18, and a 17-year-old youth, who cannot be named for legal reasons,deny one allegation of rape. Taxi driver Mohamed Akram, 62, denies a charge of sexual activity with a child under 16. They are all from Keighley.

As Britain is invaded by hordes of Moslems who are raping all the young girls, what are young healthy British males doing, I wonder?

Huffington Post:

A third British man is thought to have fallen victim to the deadly NekNominate craze.

Young people have been warned against taking part in the drinking craze which has swept the nation, following the deaths of three men who had participated in the game.

Salesman Bradley Eames from Nottingham, died days after necking two pints of neat gin.

The 20-year-old from Nottingham filmed himself downing two pint glasses of the spirit and posted the video online, telling his friends he had to “show who is boss.”

Speaking directly to the camera he said: “Right, I’ve been watching you guys do the Neknominate, but to me I don’t think they’re good, so I bought myself some Gordon’s gin and this is how you drink.”

He poured himself a pint and drank it, stopping half-way through to gag. Then he immediately poured another, while his hands violently shook and quickly downed it.

He then took to Facebook and complained that his stomach was hurting, the Mirror reported.

He died just days later.

It is estimated he consumed almost 30 shots of the

alcohol in the two-minute video before challenging friends to outdo him.

Neknominate has also been linked to the death of two men in Ireland – Jonny Byrne, 19, and Ross Cummings, 22 – earlier this month.

Bradley Eames