UK: Another Jewish (“Kike”) Bomb Hoaxer Arrested After Thousands of Hoaxes

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 8, 2018

A member of the Jew race, a group of parasitic fiends often referred to as “hook nosed kikes” and “greasy yids,” has been arrested for going on a bomb hoaxing spree.


A teenager who sent thousands of hoax bomb threats to schools and triggered an American airline security scare has been jailed for three years.

George Duke-Cohan, 19, sparked nationwide panic and a transatlantic investigation from the bedroom of his home in Watford, Hertfordshire.

He pleaded guilty at Luton Crown Court in September to three counts of making hoax bomb threats.

It followed an investigation by the National Crime Agency (NCA).

Duke-Cohan, of Mutchetts Close, caused widespread panic in March when he emailed more than 1,700 schools, colleges and nurseries across the UK to warn about an explosive. Hundreds of the schools were evacuated.

He was arrested days later but in April, he sent another batch of hoax emails to schools in the US and UK.

NCA investigators, working with the FBI, also found that while on bail for the bomb hoaxes, Duke-Cohan had made a fake report of a hijacked US-bound plane.

His first bomb hoax email was prompted by a disagreement with the owners of VeltPvP, a US-based server that allows users play the game Minecraft.

The email warned a student had entered schools with a bomb – and demanded $5,000 to be deposited in VeltPvP’s account.

More than 400 schools across the UK were evacuated before the email was dismissed as a hoax.

From what I’m reading on the BBC, it appears that this particular Jew didn’t actually do anything wrong, and calling in bomb threats and demanding $5000 worth of Minecraft credits is actually genuinely hilarious.

However, as we know, these Jewish hoaxing abilities can often be used for evil, as was the case with the Holocaust and, more recently, the situation of the Israeli Jew calling in all of those bomb hoaxes to synagogues, which the ADL used to demand laws to protect Jews from being hoaxed.

They wanted to bully Trump into passing hate speech laws over this, and then it turned out to be a Jew – but the ADL still uses all these prank call bomb hoaxes when they claim that 2017 saw the highest anti-Semitic hate crimes level in history.

That story really fizzled out as the Israeli Jews refused to extradite him to the US and then claimed both that he was autistic and had a brain tumor.

We covered that story extensively, and you can read about it here.

I still believe very strongly that the ADL and Jonathan Greenblatt were responsible for that particular hoax, given the way it played out, but we aren’t able to investigate the crimes of the ADL because it is a Jewish group and it is illegal in America to investigate all Jews other than Michael Cohen.