UK: Another Moslem Child Sex Trafficking Gang Sentenced

Daily Stormer
April 10, 2016


No one could have predicted Moslems would traffic in White child sex slaves.

Daily Mail:

Ten men have been jailed for a total of more than 125 years for sexual offences against eight girls and women in Rochdale.

They included Afraz Ahmed, a former bus driver who picked up two of his young victims from school and offered them free tickets.

He was originally questioned in 2006 but a decision was made not to prosecute him after he claimed the girls’ complaints against him were racially motivated.

The public gallery broke into applause today when Ahmed was handed a 25-year sentence.

The main victim in the case was white and had learning difficulties. She was said by prosecutors to be an ‘extremely vulnerable young woman’ who had endured ‘a very difficult home life’.

She walked into a police station after media coverage of the 2012 convictions of a number of Asian defendants for grooming white girls for sex in the town.

She told officers that from the age of 14 she too had been repeatedly sexually groomed by a large number of men in Rochdale.

The main victim in the case said that ‘hundreds’ of men would ring her up, wanting her to go out and have sex with them, during the time she was groomed.

The offences, which also involved other under-age victims, took place in Rochdale and the surrounding area, mainly between 2005 and 2010.

Nine of the defendants were sentenced at Manchester Minshull Street Crown Court today, while another man was jailed last year.

Judge John Potter said: ‘Each of the victims… was subjected to cross-examination which suggested they were not telling the truth. Each dealt with this ordeal impressively.

‘I have little doubt that each of the victims have been affected by your abuse of them to some degree, some far more than others.’

The judge said it was testament to their ‘bravery, courage and fortitude’ they had given evidence in court despite the ‘appalling way’ they were treated. Two of the victims, he said, had suffered psychological harm.

The main victim in the case gave evidence in two separate trials which lasted a total of 15 weeks.

Seven other complainants, who were aged 13 to 22 at the time of the offences, also came forward to testify, which secured convictions against a number of the defendants.

Former bus driver Ahmed, 33, of Rochdale, was found guilty of various sexual offences, including rape, conspiracy to rape and sexual activity with a child, in relation to five underage victims.

While working as a bus driver, Ahmed, then aged in his early 20s, spoke to his schoolgirl victims in a ‘highly inappropriate manner’, the court heard. He asked if one of them had a boyfriend and seemingly offered them free bus tickets.

The judge told Ahmed: ‘You objectivised your vulnerable victims so you could exploit them for your own sexual desire.’