UK: Arrogant Black Biped Insults White Man’s Girlfriend Then Stabs Him for Defending Her

Get West London
June 25, 2014

The White man was chased into this shop by the Black thug, who then stabbed him repeatedly.

A stabbing victim was chased into a 24-hour convenience store and set upon by a passer-by he had confronted and punched over remarks about his girlfriend, an eyewitness said.

There have not been arrests in connection with the violent attack in Hamptons Food and Wine in Harrow Road, Sudbury, at around 1.25am on Friday .

Police officers found the victim – believed to be in his 30s – on the floor of the shop and gave him first aid until paramedics arrived and took him to an undisclosed west London hospital where he was a serious but stable condition.

One local businessman, who did not want to give his name, said he was told a row quickly spiralled out of control when the suspect made a comment about the victim’s girlfriend.

He said: “There was an Irish guy standing outside the pub [The Swan] with his girlfriend.

“A black guy came past and said something to the girlfriend or whistled or something.

“The Irish guy took offence and punched him in the face and bust his nose.

“The black guy pulled a knife. The Irish guy ran away and ran into the shop.

“He was followed into the shop and stabbed in the shop.

“He was stabbed five times.

“All the stabbings were in the shop.”

The area is rich in vibrant diversity.

One member of a staff at a nearby business, who did not give her name, said: “I was surprised to hear to hear there had been a stabbing here.

“Small kids sometimes cause problems here – they sometimes fight amongst themselves – but otherwise it’s a safe area.”

But another person disagreed. She said: “I thought the whole of London was covered by CCTV but not here – they need it here on this parade.

“I’m not surprised that this [the stabbing] has happened.

“I’ve driven through here at night and seen people with offensive weapons – I’ve seen a Samurai sword, and people hanging around smoking drugs.

“There used to be two community officers patrolling here but you don’t see them any more.

“There’s three shops here that are open after midnight, some are open 24 hours.

“People come from all over are coming here to this place. We need CCTV.”

Detectives from Brent CID are investigating and are appealing for any witnesses who may have seen a fight or the suspect described as a 25-30-year-old black ma wearing a blue hooded top, black trousers and black shoes.

Anyone with information can call police on 101 or call Crimestoppers anonymously 0800 555 111.

Daily Stormer E-fit picture. The attacker looked something like this.

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