UK: ‘Asian’ Rapists Receive Lighter Sentences Because Victims were White Girls

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
August 16, 2017

Why do we allow these people in our nations?

They rape our girls, murder us, and are only here to loot and conquer our lands. Point this out, and you are set to be destroyed by the (((legal system))) and race traitors like the one White woman pictured in the bottom right (yes, that is a woman, I was surprised too.)

Our governments are run by people trying to kill us.


Young, white girls have been brutally raped and sexually abused by extensive gangs of Asian men in towns and cities across Britain – yet when it comes to sentencing – the race aspect has been largely ignored, he claimed.

Now legal experts are calling for British judges to properly defend the girls who are targeted because of their skin colour.

The claims followed a horrific court case in Newcastle this week which revealed more than 100 white girls, some as young as 13, raped by a gang of Asian males.


The case is just the latest in series of trials in which young and vulnerable white schoolgirls have been sexually attacked by Asian grooming gangs.

Robert Buckland Solicitor General has said racism should always be considered in the type of organised sex attacks which have blighted Britain.

Mr Buckland said sex attacks based on race “cuts all ways” and that the race of those involved should be “front and centre” when it is clear a certain race has been actively targeted – whatever that race may be.

He said: “The law does not discriminate. When it talks about sentencing increases for racial aggravation, it doesn’t cut one way it cuts all ways.

“Where there is a racial element in sexual abuse cases the law is clear that court can apply a sentencing uplift.

Of course this is racial and is being committed due to their desire to conquer our people. What you should ask yourself is if this were a gang of White men and one Arab whore raping young Arab girls would they be charged with hate crimes?

The positive to take away from this is we have some lawyers who are trying to point out the racial reality of this situation.

On a completely unrelated note, what do you guys think of this Stalker: Clear Sky artwork I found?