UK: Black Mugger Repeatedly Punches Woman in Head Before Dragging Her Down the Street

Yorkshire Evening Post
February 5, 2014

efit of suspect
Efit of the simian mugger.

Police have released this e-fit of a mugger who repeatedly punched a woman in the head and dragged her along a street in Leeds after attacking her boyfriend.

The robber targeted the couple as they walked along Clarendon Road, near to the junction with Kendal Lane, at about 8.50pm on Monday, January 13.

The victim, a 22-year-old woman, was holding hands with her 23-year-old boyfriend when the man jumped on his back causing the couple to fall to the ground.

He repeatedly punched her in the head and dragged her along the pavement until she let go of her Miu Miu handbag.

He ran off with the bag, which had bows on either side and contained a black Iphone with a pink cover, passport and bank cards.

The robber was black, aged 30 to 40, under 5ft 8ins tall and slim. He was wearing a green camouflage coat with a zip front that looked to be too big for him and a black baseball cap.

Anyone who recognises him or has been offered any of the stolen items for sale is asked to PC Erin Mulvenna of the robbery team at Woodhouse Lane via 101 or call Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555111.