UK: Black Sorceror Makes £80,000 Selling Child Sex Slaves – Fined Just £8.38

Kent Online
May 5, 2014

Osezua Osolase ‘lured’ the girls with the promise of a better life in Britain. I doubt whether he had to do much ‘luring’, they are literally prepared to die in order to break into the White man’s countries.

A Northfleet  security guard – who pocketed £80,000 by trading in child sex slaves – will have to repay… just £8.38!

And Osezua Osolase, 43, who is serving a 20-year jail sentence has also been given eight weeks to arrange for the bank transfer.

He had been convicted at Canterbury Crown Court last year on five counts of trafficking young girls, rape and sexual activity with a child using juju magic.

An investigation was then begun under the Proceeds Of Crime Act to seize his assets – but investigators could only find £8.38 in a bank account.

Osolase, of Beaumont Drive, was estimated to have made £80,000 from his scheme to exploit vulnerable young girls.

Judge Adele Williams also ordered his Iphone, iPad and camera which to be destroyed by police.

Osolase, who appeared for the five minute hearing, was told he had eight weeks to transfer the cash or face another five days in prison in default.

Osezua Osolase is caught on camera trafficking a girl at Stansted airport.

It was revealed after the trial that years earlier the slave trader had confessed to being HIV positive.

Judge Williams told him: “You were dealing in exploitation and misery and degradation.

“You have been convicted on clear and compelling evidence of trafficking two girls in and out of the UK.”

The Nigerian girls – aged 14 and 16 – had given evidence during the six-week trial, telling how they had been lured by Osolase of a better life in Britain.

A third victim, aged 17, had revealed how she had been trafficked out of the UK.

The judge said the former guard at a trendy London fashion shop had used juju magic to ensure their obedience and silence.

He had terrified the young orphan girls into believing they could die if they ever revealed they were being shipped out to Italy and Spain to work as prostitutes.

osezua osolase_v_Variation_1
He just looks so out of place here, with architecture behind him and well kept countryside.

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