UK: Black Thief Caught by iPhone App After Sexual Assault

Daily Mail
February 6, 2014

Raymond Yates, 31, has been jailed for six years after he robbed and sexually assaulted a 23-year-old woman  but was tracked using an app on a phone he stole
Black crook Raymond Yates has been jailed for six years after he robbed and sexually assaulted a 23-year-old woman. He was tracked using an app on the phone that he stole.

A masked robber has been jailed for six years today after he was caught within an hour by police who tracked him using an app on an iPhone he had stolen from a woman he sexually assaulted.

Raymond Yates, 31, straddled and molested his vulnerable victim in her bed after climbing into her south London house through a window at 5am.

He was arrested an hour later by officers using a tracking app on one of the two phones he had stolen from her.

Yates had been caught on CCTV snooping outside the 23-year-old victim’s home before tying a T-shirt over his face and climbing through an open window.

Thief Yates had been caught on CCTV snooping outside the 23-year-old's home before tying a T-shirt over his face and climbing through an open window
Thief Yates had been caught on CCTV snooping outside the 23-year-old’s home, before tying a T-shirt over his face and climbing in through an open window to sexually assault her.

The woman, who was sleeping alone in the room, woke to find the attacker straddling her and pinning her to the bed – he then threatened to kill her if she screamed for help.

He also had no shoes on to lessen the chances of him being heard as he approached.

He fled the scene through the same window as he had entered – pocketing two stolen mobile phones.

Police then traced Yates using a security app on one of the stolen phones – he was arrested on a bus in Brixton Hill just an hour later.

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