UK: Brave Sluts Throw Delicious Soup on Disgusting Van Gogh Trash, Once Again


This could almost be framed as a revolt against modernity.

This “art” should not even exist. It’s an insult to all of civilization.

If my 3-year-old painted that, I would slap the shit out of him and lock him in a box for a week, feeding him only uncooked rice.

Van Gogh is such garbage.

I wish Kevin’s older brother would have been sent to beat the shit out of that no-talent faggot.

Put a tarantula on Van Fairy. He’d start crying like a little girl and piss himself.


Three Just Stop Oil activists threw soup at two of Vincent van Gogh’s “Sunflowers” paintings in London’s National Gallery on Friday, just hours after two other members of the protest group were jailed for doing the same thing in 2022.

The activists threw tomato soup at the “Sunflowers” owned by the London Gallery – the painting targeted two years ago – and another from the series that is on loan from Philadelphia Museum of Art for a temporary exhibition.

The National Gallery said three people had been arrested and the paintings were unharmed.

Wow, fail.

What is the point if they don’t harm the paintings?

They are going to jail regardless, they might as well smash the glass before they throw the soup, no?

The stunt came just a few hours after Phoebe Plummer, 23, and Anna Holland, 22, were sentenced for throwing tins of tomato soup on the London-based artwork in October 2022, before gluing themselves to the wall below the painting.

The previous event:

These bizarre sluts are sending a message that poor quality Dutch trash will not be celebrated in the once-great Kingdom of the Britons.

The soup caused up to 10,000 pounds ($13,385) worth of damage to the frame in 2022, prosecutors said, though the painting – which was behind a protective screen – was unharmed and went back on display later the same day.

Plummer and Holland pleaded not guilty but were convicted after a trial at London’s Southwark Crown Court, where Plummer was sentenced to two years in prison for the criminal damage charge. Holland was sentenced to 20 months in prison.

Why would they plead not guilty when they were on video?

They should have pled “carrying out justice against a clear and present threat to God’s beauty on the earth.”

Judge Christopher Hehir told Plummer and Holland: “You two simply had no right to do what you did to ‘Sunflowers’, and your arrogance in thinking otherwise deserves the strongest condemnation.”

Plummer said she took part in the protests knowing she could be arrested and jailed, saying she was being made a political prisoner, which the judge said was ludicrous and self-indulgent.

“It is offensive to the many people in other parts of the world who are suffering persecution, imprisonment and sometimes death for their beliefs,” Hehir said.

I’m actually one of the only people I know of who is suffering persecution for my beliefs. Me, Kim Dotcom, Julian Assange, a couple others.

So I can speak on this issue: I stand with anyone who takes a stand against Van Gogh and his odious manifestations of loathsomeness.