UK: British Woman In Trouble With Police For Misgendering Tranny Online

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
March 21, 2019

Behold the modern-day martyrs: dissidents with the strength to call people without front holes “men” and people with front holes “women.”

Daily Mail:

A devout Catholic and mother is the subject of a five-month police investigation – after she was accused of calling a transgender woman a ‘he’ on Twitter.

Caroline Farrow, a broadcaster and writer for Roman Catholic newspapers, said she had a phone call from an officer on Monday asking her to attend an interview.

Mrs Farrow, 44, said she may have posted the suspect tweet following an appearance on Good Morning Britain last September, during which she took part in a debate on transgender children.

She said she was prepared to go to jail, adding: ‘I don’t know what I am suspected to have done. The only thing I can think of is that I may have referred to a 23-year-old transgender woman as someone’s “son”.

‘I try at all times to be polite on Twitter, but it is my belief on both a religious and scientific basis that you cannot change the sex into which you were born.’ 

A tranny’s sick enabling mother decided to file a report against Mrs. Farrow after a debate on a morning show.

Real horrorshow.

The quintissentially British “smiles” check out.

She also had the audacity to say that marriage should be between a man and a woman 5 years ago on Question Time.

She was absolutely set upon by both the pundits and the audience for speaking up.

It’s sad that it’s come down to a middle-aged woman being the only one brave enough to stand up for sanity, all alone, against a horde of freaks.

Do you know what gives her strength? The power of conviction.

Sentences for those found guilty under this act can be as long as two years.

The law makes it a crime to send messages that are indecent or grossly offensive, threatening, or contain information which is false or believed to be false, if the purpose for sending it is to cause distress or anxiety.

The Twitter incident followed a studio debate between Mrs Farrow and Susie Green, a transgender campaigner whose daughter Jackie, 25, is transgender.

Mrs Farrow, who is married to a priest, said she was ‘worried and alarmed’ following the call from police.

She wrote on Twitter yesterday: ‘I don’t even remember said tweets! I probably said “he” or “son” or something. I have done nothing wrong, nothing illegal and will happily do jail time for my right to say that people cannot change sex.’ 


Someone needs to do something about the UK.

The news coming out of there gets more and more terrifying by the day.

And get this, Jackie Green (the tranny) was apparently a Miss England finalist.

I feel bad for Mrs. Farrow.

This is a society that has collectively decided to go mad.

Once the fashionable class decided that the monster was a woman, that’s was just the way things were going to be from now on.