UK: Chinaman Murders Teenage White Boy for Dancing Gangnam Style

Daily Stormer
January 20, 2015

Jordan Brennan suffered a fatal blow to the head when he was beaten to death by a non-White brat at a corner shop in Manchester in October.

A teenager was murdered by a Chinaman in the UK for dancing Gangnam Style at a corner shop.  He thought the dance was racist.

Though I do believe people dancing Gangnam Style deserve to get a swift backhand slap, they should not be murdered.

I also don’t understand how it is “racist” – was the boy not showing reverence for Asian culture by doing this traditional Korean dance?

Daily Mail:

Jordan Brennan started doing the dance move made popular by South Korean artist Psy while visiting a corner shop with friends.

But his actions angered a 16-year-old boy in the store who thought his Chinese ethnicity was being mocked.

A struggle broke out between the teenagers when the 16-year-old, who cannot be named for legal reasons, demanded Jordan, 17, apologise after he bumped into him.

As they tussled near the doorway, Jordan fell back and hit his head on metal shutters outside the shop in Gorton, Manchester, before his head hit the concrete floor below.

The attacker then kicked him in the legs before returned to his shopping.

Jordan got to his feet and walked home not realising he had suffered a fatal head injury.

He was found lifeless in bed the following morning when his mother Kim tried to raise him for breakfast.

Tests showed he had suffered a fractured skull and bleeding on the brain during the incident on October 10 last year.

The killer admitted manslaughter at Manchester Crown Court today after his not guilty plea to murder was accepted.

Jordan started to dance after entering the corner shop in ‘high spirits’, the court heard, and within 17 seconds there was a ‘flashpoint’ between the two teenagers.

The dance was popularised when the music video to Gangnam Style went viral in 2012. In it, South Korean pop star Psy repeats a ‘horse-riding move’ as part of the dance routine.

Prosecutor Rob Hall said: ‘On one view that is Jordan being in high spirits and exuberant and dancing to a popular current song, and on another view, and the view held by the defendant, is that the performance was a racist slur against him because of his appearance and ethnicity.

‘The Crown would simply say the evidence is inconsistent as to the motivation of Jordan at the time. We understand why the defendant reached the conclusion that he did.’

Mr Hall made clear that it was never a case where the attacker had any intention to kill, however he may have intended to cause serious harm.

The boy accepts challenging Jordan and kicking him while he lay on the ground, it was said.

He maintains he didn’t have any idea that Jordan’s injury would be serious until he saw media coverage and realised he was the subject of a manhunt and then turned himself in.

Yes, they understand the Chinaman’s motivations.  How hurt his feelings must have been, seeing a boy doing a dance.

In a proper society, the boy would have been taught how to fight and been able to handle the situation.  Though in a proper society, there wouldn’t be a bunch of aliens roaming around ready to attack him for doing a dance.
