UK: Cops Seize Cars from Men Catcalling Women Joggers

The woke stuff with trannies and blue hairs and black lives is mostly over, or at least in a lull, but the stuff with promoting women’s sexuality while suppressing that of men will continue to get more and more extreme.

The badge niggers will take your car if women tell them to.

Daily Mail:

Police are seizing cars from men for catcalling women out jogging who were undercover female officers in disguise in a crackdown on harassment.

Four cars were taken away by officers as part of an initiative to help women feel safer when out exercising, after a survey found 60 per cent of women feel intimidated when they go for a run.

West Yorkshire Police, in partnership with other bodies, has undercover female police officers posing as runners.

The hope is to make men ‘think twice’ about cat calling and making inappropriate comments to exercising women, especially from cars as they drive past.

The council said the JogOn initiative had run six operations since March to catch men, and said it is ‘clear’ that many don’t even think the behaviour counts as harassment.

I bet just developing this crappy logo cost more than any of the cars they seized

One of the men who was stopped even tried to give the excuse that he was ‘encouraging the females to run’.

Many women feeling scared and intimidated and seek out alternative running routes or changing the times they go out to avoid cat calling, offensive comments and physical harassment.

Runners said they had come to accept it as the norm and did not report it to the police, as they did not feel it would be taken seriously or that no action would be taken.

Well, you’re in luck, jogger.

The police have sent female officers out in plain clothes to run or jog in ‘hotspot’ areas.

Bradford Council can also enforce its Public Space Protection Order which bans the anti-social use of vehicles and includes ‘shouting, swearing at, or abusing, threatening or intimidating another person – including using sexual language or making sexual suggestions’ from a vehicle.

Offenders can receive a Fixed Penalty Notice or a £1,000 fine.

Running club members are also being offered Active Bystander training, which will equip witnesses to intervene when an incident is unfolding in front of them.

Superintendent Beth Pagnillo, of Bradford District Police, said: ‘People might not think these behaviours are worth reporting but we want to make it clear that these behaviours and incidents can be reported, reviewed and investigated and will not be tolerated.

Beth Pagnillo

‘With the PSPOs in Bradford, these behaviours can be reported, which could lead to a breach in PSPO, and an offence being committed.

‘The enforcement, education and engagement undertaken through JogOn allows us to combine efforts through partnership working to tackle these behaviours, encouraging reporting by runners across the district but also to prevent incidents from happening in the first place.’

Women deserve to be beaten and gang-raped.

We need a Taliban style system and we need it quickly.

White guys in Britain are out of control