UK: Councillor Suggests Taxi Company Leave Passengers in the Cold Rather Than Provide a White Driver

Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
December 15, 2014

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Privately-run 35 Taxis of Hull (pictured) sends White drivers out on jobs when customers request them – they claim they are simply responding to requests and are not discriminating or doing anything wrong.

Another taxi company has got itself into hot water for providing White drivers when the passengers request it.

Yet 35 taxis from Hull are only doing the same as every other business that provides a legal product to the consumer – White people have not yet been made illegal in their own country.

Local councillor Rosie Nicola has condemned the firm, saying that it sends out ‘a very sad message.’

So if White people do not want to put their children at risk of being groomed, drugged and raped by non-Whites that is a ‘sad’ message to send?

If White people want to spend their money on other White people and support their own people that is ‘sad’?

Why should they be forced to buy something they do not want, that carries a high risk with it, when what they do want is available?

This is nothing less than discrimination against White people and an attempt to force them or their children into a potentially dangerous situation.

Self-hating traitor Councillor Rosie Nicola said it is ‘really sad’ that people in Hull are demanding white drivers and that taxi firms should leave them waiting outside in the cold (and in danger).

Daily Mail:

Taxi firm owner Gary Wilkinson said: ‘You cannot stop customers making requests.

‘We will try to send a white, British driver, if we are asked, but we do tell our customers we can’t always guarantee it.’

Mr Wilkinson insisted his company was not discriminating and said he had 25 drivers of non-white, British origin who all did ‘a fantastic job’.

He added: ‘I am totally against racism of any kind. I am married to an Arabic woman and our children are mixed-race.

‘A customer may have had a bad experience with a coloured driver in the past.

‘Maybe they have felt a driver has ripped them off. Some people will then say, “I only want a white British driver”.

‘It’s racist, because these people are not ringing up the next day saying don’t send me a white driver if they happen to think a white driver has overcharged them.’

Wayne Harrison, owner of rival firm 50 Taxis, claimed up to one in five of all his customers also demand a white British driver – but he refuses to oblige them.

He said: ‘Customers will ring you up and say “Don’t send me a…” They’ll then use a racist word.

‘We don’t give them a choice. We will send a car. It’s up to them if they get in or not.’

He said he employs 50 drivers, including four or five who are not white British and added: ‘They are super workers.

‘They just want to earn a living.’

The Equality Act 2010 makes it unlawful for an employer to discriminate against employees because of race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin.

However, there is no suggestion private-hire companies who respond to customers’ requests are breaking the law.

Councillor Rosie Nicola is the Hull City Council’s cabinet member for equality and community cohesion.

She said: ‘I find it really sad that people in Hull are ringing up our taxi companies making these kinds of demands.

‘It’s a really sad message to be sending out that people aren’t happy with someone based simply on the colour of their skin.

‘If someone doesn’t want to get into a taxi driven by someone with a different skin colour, make them wait in the cold.’

So at least 20% of all the people calling for taxis are asking for White drivers, yet instead of sending them, a rival taxi firm is refusing to serve them.

If anyone refused to serve a faggot or a non-White, they would soon be up in court having their business taken from them.

Hull City Council (pictured) have said 35 Taxis policy does not run contrary to the conditions of its licence, when what it should have been looking at is 50 Taxis and how they are refusing to serve White people with what they have asked for.