UK Defense Minister Threatens to Start Firing Off Nukes If He Don’t Get Mo Money fo Dem Programs

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 26, 2018

How is this guy a government official?

In any government?

Every statement you read from him is that of an irate, whiny baby.


Not long after accusing Russia of planning to murder thousands of British people, Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson has warned the UK may have to use its nuclear weapons if it doesn’t get a bit more cash from the government.

Speaking on the future of modern warfare, the hawkish defence chief warned Britain may have to use its nuclear deterrence if the treasury does not release funds for more conventional weapons systems.

Williamson was speaking at the Royal United Services Institute’s Sea Power conference when he said: “You’ve got to talk about deterrence across the full spectrum right across the board.”

“If we do not have that conventional deterrence, and the ability to deter from conventional forces, then what we’ll find ourselves in, is a place that none of us wish to be in, and having to turn to the greatest deterrence of them all.”

The defence chief has quickly garnered a reputation for hawkish statements and alarming warnings to the British public, earlier this year stating that Russia has the ability to “cause thousands and thousands and thousands of deaths” in Britain.

Williamson’s comments come as the ministry of defence battles with the treasury for additional funding in autumn’s budget.

According to a recently released public accounts committee report, the MoD faces a potential funding shortfall that could reach as much £20 billion ($27bn).


Because like, literally no one wants these wars.

Williamson is a young guy, but he is pushing a very old, tired agenda.

Only boomers wanted this endless war shit.

Younger people are like “what the hell are we even talking about here?”

Here’s how the unspoken conversation goes:

Boomer Government Guy: If we don’t stockpile a bunch of weapons and THREATEN RUSSIA they are going TO INVADE and TAKE THE FREEDOMS!

Random Millennial: Why would they do that?

Boomer Government Guy: Because they are GENETICALLY DRIVEN to SUBVERT!

Random Millennial: Okay, so, assuming that is for some reason true somehow, why not just negotiate economic agreements that are so beneficial to both parties that the concept of war between Russia and Europe becomes absurd?

Boomer Government Guy: Because what about ISRAEL? Have YOU HEARD OF THE HOLOCAUST?

Random Millennial: No. But I did just watch a video of Israelis gunning down a bunch of protesters. They appear to be creating a lot of problems for themselves, which have nothing to do with me or my life.

Boomer Government Guy: *Teeth grinding*

Random Millennial: Okay so, say Russia does invade and occupy Europe… are they going to take away my iPhone?

Boomer Government Guy: Probably not…

Random Millennial: Are they going to get me banned from Steam?

Boomer Government Guy: I don’t know what that is but I would assume not…

Random Millennial: Then what exactly are we talking about here, old man? What interest do I personally have in this situation, that I would be willing to fight and die for it?

Boomer Government Guy: *Teeth grinding*

It just doesn’t make any sense, to anyone who was raised in the modern era, to have a war with anyone. Because wars typically were about resources or religion. This concept of wars being about “democracy” and “freedoms” was just a shot in the dark that worked for a generation, and is now seen as absurd as it actually is.

The actual goal of these wars is simply globalism, and that is now just a naked reality. And the only people who support globalism are too spineless to support – let alone fight in – a war.

The whole thing is rapidly running out of steam.

And when you’ve got government officials talking about how they’re going to have to start sending off nukes against an apparently nonexistent enemy… the shark hath been jumped.

That’s a big part of why these Jews who puppetmaster all this stuff are in such a hurry.

When the boomers are gone, there just won’t be any more support whatsoever for all of this infinity war nonsense.