UK: Defense Secretary Resigns After Sex Scandal

Daily Stormer
November 2, 2017

The sex scandal TRAIN OF DOOM rolls on!


Defense Secretary Michael Fallon has resigned after admitting his behavior in the past may have “fallen short.” He is the first minister to step down from PM Theresa May’s government in the growing sexual harassment scandal at Westminster.

In his resignation letter to May, Fallon wrote: “A number of allegations have surfaced about MPs in recent days, including some about my previous conduct. Many of these have been false, but I accept that in the past I have fallen below the high standards that we require of the Armed Forces that I have the honor to represent. I have reflected on my position and I am therefore resigning as Defence Secretary.”

Fallon added that he would still work hard as an MP for his Sevenoaks constituents, and that it had been a “privilege” to have been defense secretary over the last three and a half years.

Who knows if this guy even did anything.

Who cares?

It’s great watching people get rekt, whoever they are.

Literally no one who isn’t a shitbag can be rekt by this nonsense.

Anyone who isn’t a shitbag can be like “yo – that bitch loved it.”