UK Demands Apple Give Them Full Backdoor to All iPhones (Globally) So They Can Keep Their Immigrants from Killing Everyone

The story is that the US doesn’t want backdoors on iPhones because everyone in the government is using iPhones, and if they put backdoors in them, the Russians and the Chinese – and anyone else who wants them – will have access.

The NSA has some kind of way to hack iPhones, which they presumably get from Israeli companies that develop this software (that was in WikiLeaks), but what the UK is asking for – just an open door that will allow them to spy on all the phones at the same time – is something different and much more extreme.


The UK government has issued a “technical capability notice” to Apple, compelling the tech giant to create a backdoor to its encrypted iCloud service, the Washington Post reported on Friday. The move would enable UK law enforcement and security agencies to access encrypted data stored by Apple users worldwide, according to the newspaper.

The UK’s Investigatory Powers Act (IPA), referred to by critics as the “Snoopers’ Charter,” grants authorities the power to mandate that tech companies permit access to users’ data for investigative purposes. It also makes it a criminal offense to reveal that the government has made such a demand. The recent notice requires Apple to provide a means for decrypting user data. It is currently protected by end-to-end encryption, ensuring that only users can access their information.

Creating such backdoors could weaken overall security and set a dangerous precedent, according to Daniel Castro, vice-president of the US-based Information Technology and Innovation Foundation. In a statement on Friday, he has described the UK’s move as an “unjustified over-reach that threatens the security and privacy of individuals and businesses around the world.”

UK security officials argue that encryption can hinder efforts to combat crime and terrorism. “Maintaining proportionate, lawful access to such communications in the face of ever-more prevalent encryption is sometimes our only means of detecting and understanding these threats,” Ken McCallum, head of the UK’s domestic intelligence agency MI5, stated last October. He believes that “privacy and exceptional lawful access can coexist if absolutist positions are avoided.”

Well, if the UK hadn’t flooded their country with immigrants, they wouldn’t have a terrorism problem.

This whole “we have to take everyone’s freedom away because all these immigrants we brought in are violent criminals who want to kill us all” is something you could only argue in a modern democracy country, where the social order is controlled by the media.

In a normal country, that argument would leave people with their jaws hanging open, and then they would riot and overthrow the government.