UK: Doctor’s Wife Demands to Know Why Knife-Psycho was Allowed to Kill Her Husband

Daily Stormer
October 12, 2016


It’s lawless out there.

Daily Express:

THE widow of an eminent doctor demanded to know yesterday why a psychotic knifeman was set free to stab him to death.

Femi Nandap, 23, killed Dr Jeroen Ensink last December – six days after earlier knife charges were dropped.

Dr Ensink, 41, a leading expert in tropical medicine, had become a father only 11 days before he died.

Nigerian-born Nandap was sent to Broadmoor secure hospital for life but Nadja Ensink Tiech said her husband’s death could have been avoided.

Seven months before the killing, Nandap attacked a policeman after he was seen waving two knives in public.

But he was given bail, despite warnings about his mental state, and charges were then dropped.

Mrs Ensink Tiech, 37, told the Old Bailey: “Knowing what happened to Jeroen might have been prevented has been a really hard fact to live with.

“But the case is not unique. Mental health incidents keep happening again and again. Why is there no concerted action to address this?

“If a person with a history of mental health problems is found wandering around with a knife and attacks a police officer, that person must be detained in a secure unit for proper assessment and treatment and not be given bail so easily.

“I hope following Jeroen’s death an independent investigation will take place and answers will be provided to these simple but pressing questions.”

Nandap admitted manslaughter due to diminished responsibility.